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Y/n's POV

Last night, I took Sophia on a date and surprisingly, things went well. I prepared myself for the worst mainly because I'm just- I tend to be pessimistic sometimes. I don't know what we are necessarily right now because I haven't asked her to be my girlfriend but I like the direction we're heading in.

Another good thing about this week thus far is, I haven't seen Alex. I haven't been sent to her office or anything. Purposely. I don't want to see her. She broke me. I mean, you could argue that I shouldn't have gotten hurt because what was going on between us basically was sex and sex alone.

But can you knock me for caring? I don't usually get like that with hook ups but for some reason, when it comes to Alex I get all emotional and sensitive. I turn into a simp which I definitely am not. I'm a badass. Anyone could attest to that.

I walked into Kelley's class and she had a mean mug on her face. Great. This class will be hell today. I can't help but wonder if she knows Alex cheated on her with me. I'm pretty sure if she did, she probably would've tried to snap my neck but then again, I don't think Alex is dumb enough to expose herself and expose that she slept with a minor. Even though I'm turning 18 in January which is only 2 months away so, technically, we'd be fine.

Lately, Kelley's been letting us sit wherever we wanted as long as we behaved and since I didn't want to see Alex, I decided I'd behave. I went to the back of the classroom and sat in the corner. As long as I keep to myself and actually do my work, I won't get pulled out of class.

Kelley started the day off by going over our assignments from yesterday before handing us a few worksheets that we were going to get into groups for. My buddies aren't here and I don't really fuck with anyone in this class mainly because I don't need it nor do I want to be here.

Maybe I should've gotten in trouble so I can leave the class. I raised my hand as everyone paired up and Kelley walked over to me.
"I don't have a partner."
"Then work alone."
"You said we should work in pairs."
"Do you have to cause an issue every time you step into my classroom?! Maybe you like seeing Principal Morgan huh?"
"All I did was tell you I don't have a partner. I'm actually trying to go my work for once. And no, I don't like seeing her." I mumbled getting agitated.

Just my luck, Alex walked into the classroom. Great, what did I do now? Her eyes landed on mine as she walked in and I turned my head immediately not wanting to look at her for more than a second because I'd probably crumble.

I see her having a conversation with Kelley and you can tell by Kelley's tone that she didn't care to talk to Alex. So apparently, there is trouble in paradise. As I would guess. I mean, Alex did cheat and she doesn't look like she can keep a secret. Plus, she cut me off and the only reason for that would be is she came clean.

I began opening the book and searching for the chapter to do my work when a chair pulls up beside me. I turned my head to see Alex. Her hands rested in her lap as she looked at me with a small smile playing on her lips. "Ms. O'Hara told me you didn't have a partner so, I thought I'd help you out. I was pretty good at history back in high school."

"I don't need your help." I mumbled as I focused my attention on the book. I wasn't even searching for anything, I just didn't want to look at her.
"Y/n, I'm sorry I know I've been hot and cold with you and-"
"We can't have that conversation here." I whispered. "We can't have it anywhere apparently because you've made it your mission to avoid me."

"Alex, you avoided me first. I tried to talk to you and now because I don't give you the attention you want after you brushed me off all that time and basically told me to go fuck myself, you feel like I'm entitled to give you what you want? You wouldn't even hear me out when I wanted to talk and when I tried to tell you how I felt." I whisper yelled.

𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐈𝐏𝐀𝐋 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐀𝐍 [Alex Morgan |GxG]Where stories live. Discover now