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Y/n's POV

Yesterday was a good day for Alex and I. I ended up staying for a while. I didn't want to sleep over because that's kind of weird to do. It was our first time truly alone so, don't blame me for not wanting to stay the night. It seemed like Alex wanted me to stay but, I also had school today so my mom wouldn't have let me either way.

I parked in my usual spot at the diner before heading inside to the booth with my group. I smiled at the sight of the three girls before sitting next to Hailey and across from Ava. "Hey stranger!" River said before kicking my leg lightly under the table.

"Hi, sorry, I know I've been a ghost." I admitted. Since I found out Alex was pregnant, I've avoided them at all costs. I'd text the group chat but, I was mostly nonexistent.

"Well are you coming back to us or are you too busy doing everyone on your fuck list to pay attention to us." River smirked. "First of all, I don't have one of those but that's a great idea, and secondly, I've just been busy. With Addison and all."
"That's code for she's clapping cheeks." River said rather loudly making me bump her leg.

"Shut up, you're so embarrassing sometimes." Ava said quickly looking around to see if anyone was paying attention. Hailey and I laughed at the couple. "First of all, Addison is- I wouldn't even consider that, she's- just no."
"Your god mom is pretty let's not lie." Hailey said placing her hand on my shoulder.

"Well no, that's inappropriate and no. I would never, she would never."
"Well in other news, since we're all here, I broke up with Noah."

"What?!" Ava and I said at the same time. "Finally." River mumbled making us turn our attention to her giving her a look. "What? Dude was a bitch, he was cool sometimes but, come on, he ruined our group and Hailey, you can do much better. Don't ever set your standards that low again." River says reaching across the table to pat Hailey's hand.

Oh how I've missed my friends.

"So speaking of relationships, how are things going with Sophia?" Ava asked making everyone turn their attention back to me.
"I ended things with Sophia yesterday. We weren't going to work out and I needed time for-"

"Oh lord." Ava says face palming herself.
"There's another girl. Who is it?" Hailey asks in a knowing tone.
"No one." I said crossing my arms over my chest.
Ava fixated her eyes on me. I looked away and stared at River instead. Ava's eyes were burning a hole in my face.

"Are you kidding me?" Ava said knowingly. Told you guys. She knows me too well. "Morgan? Again?"
"Yes, but, things are different now." I say defending me and Alex.
"She ripped your heart out. I've never seen you so fucked up over a girl before she came in and wrecked you." Ava said seemingly annoyed.

"Trust me, she won't hurt me again. Well, I can't promise that but, last time around she was in an impossible situation. And I'm not making excuses for her. It's just the truth. We talked. We're good."

"I can't blame you, she's hot so if you think this is good for you and things will be different, I'm all for it." River says. I nod at her.

"Well, I want to meet her. Like outside of school. So we can get the real her." Hailey says. I knew that was coming.

"I wanted to take her on a date first. I was thinking about taking her to the carnival."
"In public? Isn't that a bit dangerous? Everyone goes there." Hailey says. She does have a point.
"Well if you guys are around us, it won't be so weird. No one will be paying too much attention to us."

𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐈𝐏𝐀𝐋 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐀𝐍 [Alex Morgan |GxG]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora