Something Sarcastic

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This chapter is dedicated to @POTTERHEAD174fun because he/she's awesome and his/her comments are hilarious. Sorry this chapter is short.


Scarlett's POV

"You're everything to me." Dick's voice echoed in my ears as I lay in bed the day after he'd said that. I didn't remember going to bed, I just remember waking up in my room. We held hands for the first time yesterday, which was actually kind of nice, even though I pulled away. I looked outside, seeing the air filled with fluffy, white snowflakes. Today felt like a good day to go Christmas shopping, seeing how I was suspended and everything, so I set about making a list.

Dick: a really nice wristwatch.

Bethany: newest Taylor Swift album.

Spencer: something sarcastic from Hot Topic.

Benji: a sweater.

I wrote a sweater for Benji because it seemed he had only one, a blue and white striped zip-up, and I thought he could do with another one.

Dad: a cookbook.

When I finished making said list, I grabbed my coat and headed out to the parking lot. Dad had flown to Florida, leaving the car with me to use.


There were barely any people in the mall, even though it was getting close to the holidays. I bought Benji a red sweater from Bluenotes, Spencer a t-shirt from Hot Topic, Bethany a Taylor Swift CD from HMV and Dick a really nice silver and onyx watch from Peoples. When all my shopping was done, I made my way back to my car, having to walk down a side road to where I parked my car.


My eyes flew to my left, seeing some guy with a gun to my head.
"Damn." I muttered, grinning a little.
"Gimme your bag!" The man with the gun roared and I raised my hands in surrender, just a bit worried about what would happen if I got shot in the head.

"Okay, easy there." I said, slowly setting my shopping bag on the ground, just before I elbowed the man as hard as I could, getting him in a headlock. I kicked him in the back, pushing him down so hard I could hear one of his ribs crack. As he fell, I snatched the gun from his hands, emptying it of its bullets. "You should think about who you're trying to mug in this city, jackass." I barked, picking up my bag, striding to my car before I drove away.


I looked down at one of the busy streets of Gotham, catching my breath after taking down another robber. I watched the cars go by, people honking at each other and pedestrians hurrying along the sidewalk, completely oblivious to my figure above them. Suddenly, an obviously incompetent driver caught my eye, and I studied the silver car as it made it's way down the street, stopping unpredictably. It wasn't a surprise when another car smashed into it when the unpredictable one turned into the wrong lane at the wrong time. It soon became three cars in the jam, and I swung my grapple into the side of the building, sliding down to the street, people seeing the crash and freaking out. Traffic had basically stopped, pedestrians rushing to the aid of the victims in the vehicles.

I bolted across the road, to the car that was flipped over and bashed up the most. I knelt down, peering in through the shattered window. There were two people inside, one was unconscious, with a broken neck and the other was awake with internal bleeding and a ruptured spleen. They seemed confused and groggy, no doubt in shock.
"Hey, hey! I'm gonna get you out of there." I reached into the car, bits of broken glass carving into my stomach, but I healed myself from it. I touched the conscious person in the passengers seat, healing them first, as they were closest to me, healing the driver next. He gasped as he woke, flipping shit as expected. "Do you think you can get out yourself?" I asked, needing to go to the others who needed me.

"Y-yeah, I think so." He coughed, unbuckling his seatbelt, setting about wiggling out of the car. I jogged over to the other car, tending to a woman whose head was bashed against the window, blood and glass protruding from her skin. Using her shoulder, I pushed the woman back into the seat, healing her. Lastly, I moved to the final car, hearing the sirens of the ambulances racing towards us. Once everyone was healed I ran from the scene, people shouting at me. When I was safely in an alley, I relaxed, happy I could help those people.


"So-" Dick started, talking to Benji, Spencer, Bethany and I over lunch on the last day of school before the break, Benji nibbling on a peach. "Bruce is throwing a Christmas party at our house."
"You mean your estate." Bethany scoffed, biting into her sandwich.
"Whatever." Dick grinned, rolling his eyes. "Do you want to come?"
"Count me in." I said first, hearing everyone in the group repeat similar positive replies. "When is it?"
"Two days before Christmas." Dick told us, taking a sip of coffee he'd bought in the caf. "God, this stuff is awful." He cringed, setting the cup down.
"S'what you get for ordering coffee in a high school cafeteria." Spencer snarked, winking.


Bethany and I went dress shopping after school, to find dresses for the party.
"Ooh, I like that one." I said as Bethany emerged from the dressing room wearing a black dress with a "high-low" skirt, meaning it was short in the front and long at the back.
"I think I'd need a shawl with this one." Bethany said, as the dress was strapless.
"Are you getting Benj anything for Christmas?"
"Uh, I got him a few books he mentioned he really wanted."
"That's good." I told her, looking through racks of dresses. "Oh, okay. You need to try this one on." I instructed after finding a short gold dress with crystal details. I stuck it in her arms, and she looked through the same rack I was.
"Fine." Bethany huffed, taking it from me, turning on her heel to retreat to the dressing room. When she came back out moments later, my jaw dropped.
"Holy shit." I gasped, smirking. "Benj is gonna love that." That made Bethany blush, to my great satisfaction.
"Whatever." Bethany rolled her green eyes, making it obvious that I was right, in that she liked Benji. "Ooh, I like this one." Bethany suddenly said, pulling another dress off the rack. My eyes widened when I saw it, loving it immediately.


Again, I'm sorry for that chapter being so short. I'm faced with a little bit of a dilemma. I'm assuming that y'all remember Oliver, Felicity and those guys?

Yeah, so they're coming back in either the next chapter or the one after that, and I don't know if I should post the chapters they're in as a separate book/novella, or just leave them in Archangel. What would you guys prefer? I know not all of you watch Arrow. Those who don't, did the chapters with Ollie and Team Arrow make sense? Please tell me in the comments. I'm leaning towards leaving them in here, because it would make it more confusing.

If you like "Olicity" (Oliver and Felicity) then you might want to check out my new one-shot, "I'll Never Let You Go". :)

One more thing, what kind of dress should Scarlett wear to the party?


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