You Stayed

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*PPST* Early Chapter! Yay!

I love feedback. <3



Scarlett's POV

"What do you want to do now?" I shrugged.

"Maybe I should go and apologize to Bruce."


"Me storming out was kind of rude."

"I'll get Alfred to tell him." He replied. "Let's go on a tour."

"Okay." I murmured, following him down the hall towards the entrance. Dick led me into the library. I only caught a glimpse of it when we came in, but my jaw still dropped. It was so big, had so many books, and was so beautiful. The floor was carpeted with a rich red fabric, and the shelves which- like most of furniture in the room- was made of some expensive hardwood, had metal gold colored designs on them.

"Wow." I murmured.

"Cool, huh?" I nodded, advancing towards a comfortable looking red couch. It was clearly vintage, and was very cushy when I sat on it. "Nope." He said as I sat.


"Places to go still." I stood up with a huff.

"Find then." When Dick started grinning, I couldn't stop. He was just one of those people you couldn't look at with a straight face. I followed him out at the library and we walked into the main foyer. Wayne Manor reminded me a lot of the Parliament buildings I visited in Washington DC. There was a huge staircase that led to the second floor of building. The next little while was like a guided tour of the museum. It was obvious Dick had done this before. We went through many, many rooms, going down this hallway with portraits of all the forefathers of Wayne Manor. Dick called the Portrait Hall. I couldn't believe some of the men Dick told me about.

One was a witch hunter named Nathaniel Wayne, one was a hero of the Revolutionary War, and Bruce's great-great-grandfather Solomon Wayne was a judge. Bruce Wayne line went back to the 1800s. They had a massive exercise room, and a swimming pool which was on the second floor. It made a lot of sense that Dick used to be an acrobat. The way he climbed, how graceful he was, and how strong he was all made sense. Dick worked out a lot, and I think Bruce did as well, as they were both in fantastic shape. Dick took me down another hallway, with a large grandfather clock in the middle of it.

"This is gorgeous." I told him, trailing my index finger up the polished wood side.

The numbers on it were in Roman Numerals, and were brass, like the pointy hands that told the time. It shocks me to see that it was ten already.

"Yeah." Dick murmured, stuffing his hands in his pockets again, something I noticed he did quite frequently. "Do you want to see my room?" I paused, feeling a little bit weird going to guy's bedroom.

"Sure." I replied, shrugging. He walked a little further down the hall, and he opened the dark maplewood door, stepping into the room. Dick's room was so much nicer than mine, and there was a lot of stuff in it. I first noticed the crackling fire in the stone fireplace in the left side of the room, with for fur rug in front of it, as well as a chair and the love seat.

On the other side, was his large bed, wooden desk, a dresser, and three guitars on stands. Everything in the room had a rustic theme, make made mostly of dark wood. "This is really nice." I told him. Dick shrugged.


"I didn't know you played guitar."

"Yeah. I do." I looked over at his collection again, seeing he had an acoustic, a shiny red electric and a natural looking mahogany coloured bass guitar.

"Now how did that never come up?" I scoffed, surprised at the new information. Dick walked over to his acoustic, and picked it up.

"I don't know." He strummed a few notes, tuning it before starting a song.

It took me a second before I realized what song he was playing. He was playing the cover of 'Somebody That I Used to Know' by Walk Off the Earth. I began humming the vocal part softly, listening to his talent. He was really, really good. "Wow. That was awesome." I murmured. Dick grinned, gesturing for me to sit on the bed. I tentatively sat on the dark piece of furniture. Dick put his guitar back on the stand and I noticed a framed picture on his dresser of Benji Mumford and Spencer Blackwell from our homeroom class. They were both passed out, as in asleep, Benji sprawled on the fur carpet in Dick's room, Spencer on his back in the love seat, his arms and legs dangling off the side. "Why aren't Benji and Spencer here?"

"They went hunting today. Benji doesn't particularly like fancy events. And Spencer's y'know, insane." Dick sat down on the other end of the bed, pulling his shiny black dress shoes off, leaning against the wall the head of the bed was pushed against. I shifted, keeping my back straight. "You know you're allowed to relax, right?" My friend scoffed, and I glared at him.

"Shut up." I snapped. "I'm wearing a corset." Dick grinned.

"D'you want me to loosen it for you? Seems like you could use it."

"Shut up." I growled playfully. I reached down and pulled my shoes off, pulling my feet up on the bed, draping my dress over my knees so Dick couldn't see anything.

"Do you want to watch a movie or something?"

"Sure." I replied. Dick hopped off the bed and grabbed the remote off his dresser. He turned on the TV, going to 'Netflix' and began scrolling.

"What're you thinking?"

"Doesn't Netflix suck for selection?"

"Anything you want to watch, I'll find. Bruce Wayne, and by extension me, can basically get our hands on any material we want."

"Alright." I replied, taking the remote from him. I scrolled for a bit more, the movie "The Internship" catching my eye. I clicked on it and read the blurb.

I deemed it suitable and we began watching it. It was about two middle-aged men attending a summer internship at Google for college kids. It was pretty amusing, as the two of them knew nothing about computers. Halfway through, Dick got some chips from the minibar in the next room. The great thing about my friend, was that he had and could get pretty much anything he wanted, but he wasn't a total ass about it.

When the movie was over, Dick said we should go back down to the dining room. I put my shoes back on and Dick offered me his hand to help me up. I didn't take it and stood.

"This was fun." I said.

"Yeah. You need to come over more often. It's so boring here when I'm alone. Bruce is pretty anti-social."

"Okay." I said and we left the room. We walked down the hall and descended the grand staircase. Once down, we made our way back to the dining room, passing many departing guests. There weren't very many people left in the room by the time we got there. Bruce was talking to Vicki, and Alfred was cleaning up. There were still a bunch of waiters helping him and milling about.

"Alfred, we're ready to go." Dick said, causing Bruce, Vicki and Alfred to turn around.

"You stayed." Vicki smiled.

"Yep." I replied. "This dork managed to convince me that it was a good idea. I'm actually leaving this time, though."

"Thank you for coming." Bruce said, shaking my hand again.

"Thank you for having me."

"Come on, Scarlett." Dick said. I turned on the ball of my foot and followed him out. He sheltered me under his umbrella, even though the rain had lessened considerably. We climbed back into the limo and Alfred took me home. It was now twelve o'clock, so I needed to get upstairs, get my uniform on and haul ass to the hospital. I thanked Alfred and Dick again and got out of the car. Dick wanted to accompany me to the building, but I told him it wasn't necessary.

I got into my apartment and peeled off my heels. Clove came to greet me, and I noticed a note on the counter from my dad.

Took Clove out. Hope you had a fun night.

Love Dad

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