Paper Shredders, Peaches and the Filthy Fifty

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I'd just like to start this chapter by saying I haven't done a time skip at all. Scarlett's still going over to Wayne Manor in the cab, all I'm saying is I edited the first chapters so they were in grade twelve this entire time. :) I'll be doing a time skip in a few chapters, just a few weeks skip, nothing major, you needn't worry. I'm also taking out that Dick has a band. I realized it's kind of out of character.


Scarlett's POV

"Wayne Manor." I replied.
"Sorry honey, we're not allowed to take civilians there." He told me. I gritted my teeth.
"Yep. I'm sorry."
"I'm Dick Grayson's 'lover' or whatever. Haven't you read the Gotham Gazette?" I blurted, cringing at the thought. He shook his head and I reluctantly reached into my bag and pulled it out, handing it to him. He flipped through the pages, looking at the article.
"Alright." He replied, handing it back to me. He started the engine and drove onto the road. I plugged in my headphones to my phone and began listening to 'Take Me To Church' by Hozier. I stared out the dirty, disgusting window of the yellow cab, watching the busy roads as we drove.

We got to the impressive gates of Wayne Manor around fifteen minutes later. I hopped out of the cab after thanking the driver and paying him. I pressed the call button on the keypad that could let me in.
"Good afternoon, Miss Donovan." I heard Alfred say.
"Hi Alfred." The gates slowly opened. "Thanks." I said, starting to walk up the driveway. I heard the loud boom of thunder and felt a drop of rain on my nose. It seemed to always rain in Gotham. I felt another drop on my head before I put my hood on, picking up my pace. I sighed. The weather in this city. It was almost always raining or cold or something unpleasant. Unpleasant for most people, I should say. Rain didn't bother me too much.

I shook my head as rain began to fall, harder and harder, making a pitter-patter sound as it hit the waterproof material of my coat. Soon water was dripping off the hood, some falling into my face. My hands were soaked from the rainwater dripping off the sleeves. By the time I got to the door of the mansion I was chilled to the bone. I knocked on the giant wooden door, half expecting to set off some kind of alarm because of the high security of the place, something I'd failed to notice the night before. Alfred opened it.
"Miss Donovan! You must be freezing. Come in." I gratefully entered the warm abode, pulling off my soaking jacket.
"Sorry, it's really wet." I said, trying not to let it drip on the floor.

"That's quite alright, Miss." He took the garment from me and I pulled off my boots. I heard the quiet footsteps of Dick coming down the marble stairs, causing me to look up. Dick's black hair was back to its usual floppy-ish state and he was dressed in track pants and a loose, washed out blue t-shirt that showed off his pecs.
"Cold outside?"
"Yes." I smiled, happy to see him.
"Well come on! I got something for you." I stood up straight and followed him up the stairs, the sound of my feet touching the floor muffled by my white socks. He opened the door to his room and let me enter first. "I'd like you to meet my friend, the paper shredder." He said, causing me to shriek with laughter as he presented the black box, sitting near the carpet in front of the fire.

"What?!" I laughed.
"This kind of stuff happens a lot. So this is what I do." Dick walked over to his desk, pulled open a drawer and extracted a black Sharpie marker. He hooked his phone up to some speakers he had, and I smiled widely when I heard 'Ramble On' by Led Zeppelin start to play.
"Good choice." I said, setting my bag down on the hardwood floor. He glanced at me out of the corner of his eye.
"Do you want a dry sweater?" As much as I wanted to deny it, I was cold.
"Kind of." I admitted. He fished out a navy blue hoodie with 'Princeton University' written on it. I pulled it over my head, feeling warmer instantly.
"Alright. C'mere, bring the magazine." He said, sitting down on the miniature couch in front of the fire.

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