Way Too Far

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So yeah, I haven't posted in a while, but I would like to assure you I am still writing almost every day. Feedback is very nice, I like finding out what people liked about the chapter and not just to update, though that is very nice to see. :) In this chapter, I put the music that they dance to up top so you can listen and read.




Scarlett's POV

I looked at him like he was crazy.

"Oh, hells no." I added the 'hells' for a joke.

"Scarlett." Dick said. "Please. Who else would I dance with?" I glanced around the room, an old lady was giant bugeye glasses caught my eye.

"She looks like she could use someone young to dance with." I pointed to her and Dick snorted. He took hold of my elbow.

"One dance, Scarlett." He said. I glared at him as he yanked me to my feet.

"One dance." I reluctantly agreed, letting him leave me to the dance floor. The string quartet started playing another slow song. It was beautiful, with the cello playing along, dramatic notes and the bass keeping everyone in line. I only recognize the song when the violin Viola started playing. They were performing instrumental version of 'A Thousand Years' by Christina Perri. Dick took my hand and I placed the other on his firm shoulder. We started dancing to the romantic song. Photographers started taking our pictures again, and I huffed, frustrated.

"Just relax." Dick murmured, winking, causing me to roll my eyes.

"You have met me, right Grayson?" I snarked jokingly, referring to how I despised being told to relax or 'chill'.

"That's why I said it, Scar." There. He used it again. It didn't bother me, I just was not used to people using the nickname.

"Mhm." I mumbled back. As the song went on some more dances joined us. I also noticed how good a dancer Dick was. He was quite good in fact, and I told him so.

"You're an awesome dancer."

"Thank you. You're pretty good yourself." Dick told me. We both smiled at each other. All of a sudden, I felt myself leaning back, with coming out of the top of me. Panicking slightly, I wrapped my arms around him, gripping his shoulder blades.

"Dick!" I gasped.

"I'm not going to drop you." He promised. That was not what I was worried about. I was aware of his strong hands securely holding me, but I was also aware of his face, namely his lips, right above mine. Shit. He was going to try and kiss me. Was he on crack?!

I decided right then the Dick Grayson was positively insane. The hell was he thinking?! Never mind that, I needed to do something to prevent it now. Just as the music swelled his mouth came down and about my hand up into his hair, turning my head to the side. I squeeze my eyes shut as I felt his lips pressed against my neck. He stood, pulling me up with him.
Both of my cheeks were felt like they were on fire and not an Oh-I'm-in-love kind of way. It was a Holy-crap-you-just-tried-to-kiss-me-in-front-of-hundreds-of-people kind of furious blush. The only reason I didn't push him away sooner was because I didn't want to make a scene, adding on the rejected kiss and I didn't want Dick to drop me. The song was over by the time I was on my feet, so I walked back to the table, seeing Bruce smirking, almost proudly, whilst Vicki looked shocked. "Thank you, Mr. Wayne. It was wonderful coming." I bid him farewell and shook his hand, and shook Vicki's as well. "It was lovely meeting you." They both looked extremely confused, no doubt as to why I was leaving so abruptly.

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