Who The Hell Are You?!

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Hello All, I am so excited about this chapter. Eeeeepp!!

I feel like I should explain some things. For starters, those who do not watch the TV show Arrow, feel free to ask as many questions as you so desire, which I will be more than happy to field.

I DO NOT OWN ARROW, DC COMICS, EXCEPT FOR THE CHARACTERS MADE BY ME. I came up with Oliver and Felicity being engaged, and the plot-line with Scarlett.

Just to clarify, when I said "don't get used to these quick updates" I meant "don't be angry if the time between updates is irregular". I'll update when I update. Screw a schedule. ;)

I've been writing a crazy amount lately, so you guys can have this chapter now.

Above is a picture of six pictures, because Wattpad won't let me post more than one. The order of people go Oliver/Green Arrow, Felicity Smoak, Laurel/the Black Canary, Roy/Arsenal, John Diggle, and for those of you who appreciate details as much as I do, Felicity's engagement ring. :)

In addition to that, there's a video of "Team Arrow", if you want to watch it, you can, but I suggest you read my synopsis of characters first. It's kind of sappy but it has how the characters meet and all that. Laurel and Roy are not in the video. Green Arrow is more of a focus in the second half of the video, whereas the first is Oliver, Felicity and Diggle.

Below, I will explain who all these characters are.

Heads up: there is implied sex in this chapter, not Dick and Taylor *shudder*, so if that bothers ya, skip it. :)

That said, it is not graphic by any means, and I wouldn't even call it "smut".

Emyblueamv99 is probably going to flip over this. ;)

So, characters you should know about-

Green Arrow: Also know as the Arrow, the Vigilante, or the Hood. He was marooned on an island for five years where he taught himself to shoot things. Hehe. His real name is Oliver Queen, and owns a very successful company called Queen Consolidated. (Those who watch the show, I'm changing it so he still owns the company, because it follows the comic books.)

Felicity Smoak: Oliver/ Green Arrow's fiancée. (I know that's not in the comic books nor TV show) She's amazing with computers and works at QC with Oliver. She is skilled at hacking things and tracking people.

John Diggle: Also known as "Dig". Best friends with Oliver, married to an ex-army partner Lyla, they have a baby named Sara.

The Black Canary/ Laurel Lance: Her sister, Sara, was the first Canary but was killed, so Laurel took up her place. Oliver's ex-lover.

Arsenal/ Roy Harper: Very angry person, wears a red suit and carries a red bow.

I know this is a really long Author's Note, but if you people out there like Arsenal/Roy, check out @dangerous_dreaming 's "The Arsenal's Chaos". Lol it's the only book about Arsenal I've read.



Archangel's POV

Jack Davidson was healed and I got back out of the hospital without a problem. I was running in the alley to get back to my car, and that's when I saw a man sauntering towards my car, ahead of me.
"Aw shit." I growled, really annoyed, running faster to stop him from touching my awesome car. "Hey!" He turned.
"Oh, hello!" The man, who had a thick Italian accent, called out to me. "Dis your car?"
"No." I lied. "What are you doing?"
"Dis nice car." He said. "I want it."
"I don't think so." I glared at him intensely, planning my attack.

Archangel {A Robin Love Story}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora