Ghost with Green Hair

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I will probably always consider the song Power Glove by Knife Party to be Batman's theme song.

I don't know if some of you know, but I published a Kiliel One-Shot called Over the Edge the other day. If you ship Kiliel or like the Hobbit, go check it out! :) This chapter is dedicated to bookworms56 for reading what I've posted thus far in like, twenty-four hours. Plus the two of them are awesome friends. (They're twins, only one of which is reading Archangel, but that's okay). Enjoy the chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment. :)


Scarlett's POV

When I arrived at school on Halloween, I was flabbergasted, seeing at least ten "Archangel's". People literally dressed up as me for Halloween. There were a whole bunch of Robin's, more Batman's and Superman's. I dressed up as Little Red Riding Hood for Halloween, and a lot of people complimented me on it. In Science, Dick more of less left sitting with me to sit with this blonde chick named Taylor, who was wearing an "Archangel" mask they apparently sold at this party store, which I was annoyed with. We got called down to the dance right after lunch, and all the classes were taken down to the gym. When we got there, Dick and the boys and I hung out in the corner of the room, just chilling.

The dance was actually pretty boring, for the most part. Dick didn't ask me to dance, but I didn't think he would. He didn't really dance with anyone, besides standing around in a circle whilst someone attempted to break-dance in the middle. The people trying weren't actually very skilled at it either. Throughout the afternoon, girls followed Dick around, asking him to dance. It was almost amusing watching the scene, because two out of the four girls asking him to dance were these adorable ninth graders, and it was cute watching Dick tie himself up into knots trying to let them down easy.


When the dance was over, and it was time for me to go out for the night, I was glad. I quietly snuck out the window, planning to head over to the hospital, but I ran into a bit of a problem. On my way, I heard screaming, the screaming of a girl, so I quickly followed the sound. I found the source of the sound in an alley, seeing a little girl, maybe around ten, two big guys pushing her around, a little plastic jack-o-lantern with a handle cast away with a few candies fallen out. Using the fire escape, I swung down and landed on the ground, barking "Hey!", causing the potential rapists to turn and look at me.
"Hey, come to join the party?" One of them called to me, making me frown.

"Bastards." I growled, advancing. "Get away from her!" The girl was crying and struggling as the other man held her.
"See, I don't think I will." The taller one said sadistically, and I chuckled.
"Yeah, you are." I laughed, kicking him in the shin. He recoiled, yelling and swearing at me, and the other one came at me, trying to tackle me. He had me in a vice grip, and the only think I could think to do to make him let me go was break his arm, using my abilities. I could break someone's knuckle, so why not an arm? On hearing the snap of his own bone, and feeling the pain that went along with it, he released me, swearing like a sailor. Whilst I was looking at him, out of the corner of my eye, I saw the other come at me, and I swung my right fist back into his jaw as hard as I possibly could, sending a spray of blood out of his mouth, along with a few teeth. With that came more swearing.

"Jesus Christ!" Shouted the one with the broken arm, on his knees.
"Shut up." I snapped, grabbing the little girl's candy, and taking her hand to walk her back to the more light up street. She'd stopped crying, but was staring at me with hazel eyes the size of dinner plates. By this time I also noticed she'd dressed up as a sheep, with an adorable vest and ears with beige wool on them. Looking back at the men I'd just pulverized, almost shocked at the havoc I'd wreaked.
"My daddy said you weren't real." The little girl said. I looked down at her, smirking.
"I am." I said. "My name's Archangel. What's yours?"
"Well Tessa, tell your dad I am real, and think about carrying around some pepper spray or a taser. You don't want jerks like that bothering you again."

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