Words We Knew Were True

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I AM ACTUALLY SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG! I really am. This task of writing the finale of the book has been so draining, because I want it to be awesome. This chapter is extra long to sort of compensate for how long it took to post. It's three thousand eight hundred words, in case you were wondering.

Also, hopefully you Olicity shippers out there are made happy by this chapter.

Strap in kiddies, this chapter's packed with stuff that I hope will make the Graydonovan shippers (who I hope are most everyone reading) out there very happy.

If only a small group reading this liked Scarlett and Dick together then that means I have failed as a writer of romance, or my writing is actually good enough to keep people enticed even if they hate the romance.

I'm hoping if there are people who don't ship Graydonovan but are still reading, it's because of the latter.

Thank you @POTTERHEAD174fun for being so patient in waiting to see your character/yourself appear in this book! This chapter is dedicated to you.

Anyway, everyone, enjoy this chapter!



Scarlett's POV

"It's been three months, Dick. And we have nothing to show for it." I cried sadly, watching Dick as he looked at me.

"We'll figure it out. This bomber's gonna show their face at some point." Dick sounded mostly convinced, but I was still upset.

Three months before, Dick, Bruce and I all barely escaped a building explosion, and we'd spent every second of free time since then trying to find the person responsible, having no luck.

I huffed loudly.

"Look, today's supposed to be happy. Oliver and Felicity are getting married! What's not to love?!" Dick smiled, plopping down on the couch next to me.

My dad had finally decided to move to Boston for work, but since it was the beginning of May, he was going to sell the apartment after I moved out for University.

Dick had been staying over a couple times a week these days, and his relationship with Bruce was almost better than before they had the fight.

Now we would just launch our missions at night from the apartment because there was a very, very low probability my dad would find out. A part of me felt bad for not spending as much time with Charlie, but I hadn't and didn't plan on telling Dick about his involvement.

"Yeah, it's going to be fun." I said, rolling my eyes, wrapping my arm around his broad shoulder. "I'm really looking forward to it." I kissed him on the cheek, leaning back to put my feet over his lap. I sighed deeply, University coming to my mind.


"Uni..." I murmured, gazing off at the wall.

"Still hung up about that? I thought we agreed to worry about it after the wedding?"

"We did, didn't help." I snapped lightly, rolling my eyes.

"We don't have to decide what we're doing for another couple of weeks."

"I know, but when we do, it's going to be a tough choice. The University of Health Sciences or Blüdhaven don't have to know for another couple weeks."

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