She Doesn't Like Making Friends

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Dick Grayson/Robin's POV

I adjusted the shoulder strap of my black backpack as I waited for Alfred to come pick me up from school.

It was honestly pointless for Bruce to get Alfred to come get me, as I had a licence to drive. My friends Spencer Blackwell and Benji Mumford said goodbye to me as they passed. The first day of grade twelve had been rather uneventful, but I got a lot of paperwork for Bruce to sign. There was a new girl in my class named Scarlett Donovan.

She had long red hair, blue eyes and she was pretty quiet so far. Spencer and Benji both thought she was pretty. She didn't seem all that normal. She seemed really cold, and withdrawn. I didn't think she liked making friends.
I already knew she hated gossipers. As did I, coincidentally. Just then, a sleek black limo pulled up in front of me. I pulled open the door and climbed inside. I dropped my bag in the middle of the floor, and with my head bent, I sat on the luxurious leather couch. I sighed, stretching out my feet.

"Good afternoon, Master Dick." Alfred said from behind the wheel, looking at me through the rear-view mirror.

"Hey, Alfred."

"How was school?" He asked me as he started the vehicle.

"Same old, same old. I got a nice teacher, though."

"That's good." Alfred replied, driving home. Alfred was, like, the nicest man in Gotham. Not that there was much competition. Gotham was a pretty seedy city. Bruce and I fit in perfectly, kicking the asses of robbers and pedophiles alike.

"How was your day?"

"Oh, I did some cleaning around the house, cleaned your bedroom a bit... I hope you don't mind." Alfred said.

"Oh, no. Thank you so much, Alfred." I said, pleased with him.

My room was always a mess. The rest of the mansion was spotless, except for maybe the movie and games room.

"It's my pleasure, Master Dick." Alfred replied, as respectful as ever. Once we were home, I got out of the limo and walked through the front door.

"Bruce?" I called, dropping my bag on the kitchen counter. I fished out all the forms I needed him to sign, and headed to the room he might be in. I waltzed into the weight room to see Bruce bench-pressing what looked like two hundred and twenty pounds. "Hey."

"How was school?" He asked, grunting with effort as he pushed the bar back up.

"Fine." I said, holding up the stack of papers. "I need you to fill these out, at your earliest convenience, please."

"Fine." Bruce replied, setting the massive weight down. He sat up, running his hand through his short black hair. He held out his hand and I placed the forms in it. Bruce stood up, his huge figure towering over mine. I liked Bruce, a lot more than most, but he was scary if he wanted to be. As Batman, he was downright terrifying.
I felt safe around him, though. He was rather kind to me and Alfred, but that was about it. And I suppose whichever model he was dating. He used to have sex with Selena Kyle, or Catwoman a lot, and now he was dating Vicki Vale. I followed him out of the weight room, up the stairs back into the kitchen. He set the papers down on the granite countertop and picked up a pen. He started filling them out, and I sat on one of the red spinning chairs across from him. "Which teacher'd you get?"

"Some woman named Ms. Smith."
"Yeah?" Bruce murmured, raising his eyebrows but not looking up. "Is she hot?"

"No." I recoiled, disgusted.

"Hm." He replied. "Cool. Tell Alfred what you want for dinner, kid."

"What do you want?" I asked.

"I'm having grilled chicken."

I ended up choosing spanikopita. I went and found Alfred and told him what we requested. I loved Greek food. I asked Alfred how long it would take to make, and he said forty-five minutes, roughly. I decided to go for a swim. Yeah, we had an indoor pool, too. I ran up the stairs, down the long hallway to my bedroom to retrieve my swim trunks and put them on.

I paused, glancing around. Alfred had done a great job with my room again. It was dustless, organised and the bed was made. I made a mental note to thank him later. I ran back down, past the kitchen and main entrance down the stairs to the pool, the door to which was right next to the weight room. I turned on the radio, to find 'Timber by Pitbull' was playing. I pulled off my shirt and dove into the pool. I surfaced, almost wanting to applaud myself for the good dive. I swam around for a bit, doing flips off the diving board.
After a while Alfred came down to call me for dinner. I got out of the water, dried off and went back to my room to change. I came back down to our long dining table, a feast of Greek deliciousness waiting for me. I sat down at my usual spot and scarfed down two perfectly wrapped spanikopitas before I started talking.

God, they were good.

"Bruce?" I asked, looking at him from across the table.


"Can I invite someone from school to the charity dinner?" I inquired hopefully, referencing the dinner that was happening at the end of the month.
He looked at me like I was an idiot.

"Of course, kid." My guardian scoffed, causing me to grin. "Who'd you have in mind?"

"No one in particular, just in case I meet someone." I said.

"Just-" He started, raising his hand.

"Please make sure they dress properly and know how to use a salad fork." I laughed at that as he stuck a huge piece of chicken for emphasis in his mouth. When we were finished our meal, we went into the hall with the grandfather clock. Bruce wound it to 10:47 and it moved, revealing the elevator down to the Batcave.


First stop was a convenience store that was being robbed. Batman beat the shit out of the leader, and I took care of the other two. They looked truly cliched and stupid, with the black clothes, black knit masks. I swept the one guy's feet out from under him, adding a punch to the face.

"What the fuck do you think you're gonna do?" He kicked me hard in the side and I glared at the second one from behind my mask. Damn, I was gonna get a bruise from that bastard. I punched him in the nose, knocking him out.

I frowned. I needed to use cool, sassy lines more often instead of just punching them out. On the contrary, Batman never spoke. Like, ever. I mean, he got pretty chatty when he's interrogating people, but other than that, he never spoke. We hopped around the town, rescuing two girls from rapists, gave a peeping Tom a warning, and caught one more robber. Typical night at the office. Once we got back to Wayne Manor, I basically went straight to bed, looking forward to finding out more about Scarlett Donovan, the girl who sat next to me. When I got up to my bedroom, I brushed my teeth and changed into my pyjama boxers. I opened one of my windows and climbed into bed.

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