Little Lion Man

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Okay, moment of silence for hitting ten fricking THOUSAND reads last chapter! You guys are awesome and I love writing this, and thank you. I can't believe the read count though, like, that's awesome. In honour of that, here's another really speedy update, I can't wait to see your responses. Please comment, but don't tell me to update. DO. NOT. GET. USED. TO. THESE QUICK. UPDATES. :D

Above, is a nice little teaser for the next chapter (crappy edit, sorry), tentatively being called "Who The Hell Are You?!" Or "Shoot Me, I Dare You". :)

Also, the song goes with the chapter.



Dick's POV

I stared at my phone once Scarlett hung up, my blood rushing in my ears.
"Oh my God." I moaned, breathing shallowly. I dropped my face into my hands, feeling similarly to how I felt when I tried to kiss Scarlett at the charity dinner, except one thousand times worse, which was terrible. If I hadn't said that bullshit about Scarlett being nothing to me, none of this would've happened. I didn't even mean it. It was just that spur of the moment thing I did, not bothering to take it back out loud, though I knew in my heart it wasn't true. Scarlett was right, I really fucked it up this time. My heart was pounding, my hands shaking, as I got up, beginning to pace around my room, trying to think of any way to fix this, but I came up empty. "Fuck!" I exclaimed, pounding my fist on the oak desk in anger, biting my lip.

"Go screw Taylor!" She'd said. Yeah, nope, I thought, that wouldn't be happening, for I shuddered at the mere thought. Although, that made me think of why I asked Taylor to go out with me in the first place... That in itself was a spur-of-the-moment decision, one that I deeply regretted.
Buzz! Buzz! As if one cue, my phone buzzed from over on my bed, and I immediately hoped it was Scarlett. I flipped it over, seeing Taylor's name.

Taylor: Wanna come 2 my place 2nite? ;)

I frowned, thinking "hell no". The little winky face told me everything that she had in mind.
"Nope." I said aloud, annoyed with myself for creating this situation. What I really wanted to do was go over to Scarlett's and apologize profusely, explaining how I felt. Tell her how seeing her was the best part of my day, how much I enjoyed seeing that smile of hers, that smile that could light up the dark side of the moon, but also how much I loved seeing her stare down bullies with those icy blue eyes. I paused, rethinking what I had just thought. What I'd just thought was way too romantic for our relationship. She was my best friend!

I pressed a small button under my desk, lowering a punching bag from the ceiling. Grabbing my red boxing gloves, I strapped them on just after I pressed "shuffle" on my favourite playlist, hearing the first song was "Little Lion Man". I groaned in annoyance, not needing another reminder of my mistake. "Weep for yourself my man, you'll never be what is in your heart. Weep Little Lion Man, you're not as brave as you were at the start. Rate yourself and rake yourself, take all the courage you have left. And waste it on fixing all the problems that you made in your own head." At this point I was punching the bag as hard as I could, which was incredibly forceful. "But it was not your fault but mine, and it was your heart on the line, I really fucked it up this time. Didn't I, my dear? Didn't I, my..." I ripped off my glove, shutting the music off. Literally what Scarlett had just screamed at me, was in a song. I didn't need to think about this anymore.

Scarlett's POV

When I arrived in Star City, I went to the hotel first, parking and checking in. Stepping into the hotel room, I was shocked at how beautiful it was. It obviously was meant for rich people, with a huge bedroom and living room with a flat-screen TV, and bathroom with a jacuzzi hot tub. It also had a balcony over-looking the city and harbour, which probably looked absolutely gorgeous at night. Like Gotham, Star City, Blüdhaven, Metropolis and Central City were all more or less along the coast, well more so than Jefferson City in Missouri. Those five cities were pretty closely linked, each having their own vigilante or superhero, or set of them. Gotham obviously had Batman and Robin, and me, but I wasn't sure if anyone outside Gotham knew who Archangel was.

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