Her Heart's Capacity

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Dick's POV

All I could register when I fell to my knees in front of Scarlett, was that she was hurt and she was covered in blood. Even though I knew she had profound abilities to fix the impossible, seeing her in the beautiful blue dress and bloody on the floor was terrible.

There was a pool of blood forming around her, from where that man who I'd never seen before, stabbed her in the back. It didn't worry me that much, I knew she'd heal herself and everything would be okay.

"Scarlett, c'mere, you've gotta hold on." I held her close to my chest, pulling her off the ground into a strong hug, but it made her shriek in pain. I loosened my grip immediately, as she gasped and struggled for breath.

"S-stop." She wheezed, her tearful eyes closing. "P-pl-please, Dick."

"Okay, okay." I agreed, laying her back on the floor, racking my brain for a way to help her. She should've been helping herself, that was what she did!

"It's not even that bad, Scar. You've healed more than this, come on now." I told her, trying to encourage her to fix herself, I knew she could.

"I--" Her breath hitched, like there was something in her throat, more tears coming from her beautiful eyes. "I don't think I can--" She gasped loudly. "I can't."

"Yes, you can." I told her firmly, beginning to struggle with the fact that she wasn't healing herself.

Why wasn't she healing herself?!

"I--" She stuttered, more blood pouring into the floor next to my knee. "I tried. I can't do it."

"Scarlett, you're not giving up now." I told her, getting progressively more worried as she laid there and refused to heal herself. "I know what you can't do: you can't give up now."

"Dick--" Scarlett began, but got cut off when she started coughing up dark red blood. "I don't want to hang up my wings, but--"

"Good! You're not dying today!" I insisted, not letting her give up if I could help it. She flinched at the sound of my voice.

"I think He wants you to let me go." Scarlett whispered, her crystalline eyes boring into mine.

I shook my head, refusing to believe Scarlett was ready to give up.

"I think G-God needs another angel around His throne tonight."

"No! No, Scarlett!" I cried, watching her eyes close, and as they did it was like someone was dragging a very sharp rake across my heart. I dropped my ear to her chest to hear if she was breathing, simultaneously pressing my finger to her jugular to feel for a pulse.

I felt nothing.


No breath, no beating, no new warmth, nothing.

This couldn't be happening.

It could not be happening.

"SCARLETT!" I screamed in anguish, throwing my head back, slamming my fist down so hard into the brittle wood floors that it actually cracked. "GODDAMNIT! NO!"

"Robin! What is it, buddy boy?!" Wally zipped in, sliding to a stop next to me. "What--"

He trailed off, probably for having seen Scarlett's lifeless body, which was growing very pale. I couldn't look at her face, though I could tell from her hand I was holding that the blood inside her was leaving.

Archangel {A Robin Love Story}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon