Master of Combat

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HaHA! I'm updating again. This chapter is kind of a big deal, but before you read it, please comment which person you like better as Dick and Scarlett, as in, which looks most like the picture in your head. Seriously, BEFORE you forget, please comment. Sidenote: I find it funny that three out of the four of them are looking the same way. :)

Once you're done voting for the person ;) , enjoy the chapter.

Also, I put the instrumental version of "Centuries" by Fall Out Boy, because I think it goes well with this chapter.


Robin's POV

   The Joker got away, to Batman's rage and dismay, but we kept our grip on Harley. She was off to Iron Heights, a prison where an organization like the government that handled military called A. R. G. U. S. housed the Suicide Squad, which was a group of criminals who carried out A. R. G. U. S. 's dirty work. We got back to the warehouse where the Joker had the hostages, seeing they were all alive and healed up. The second thing I noticed, was Archangel was out on the floor. Rushing to her side, I felt her pulse, feeling it was normal, smiling in relief. It would've really sucked if she died, because I was really curious about her, and Batman was too.
"Batman!" I barked.
"Why do you think she passed out?"

   "System over-load, maybe?" He suggested and a spark of anger lit up in my chest.
"It's your fault! We don't know how much she can take, and you pushed her to heal twelve people!"
"That's enough, Robin, bring her to the car." Batman ordered, and I obeyed, slipping my arm behind her back, then wrapped the other around her thighs, lifting her off the cold ground with ease. It was strange being this close to her, seeing her pale face covered by a mask inches from mine, her pink lips expressionless. Anyone'd have to be blind to not to see how beautiful she was.

Scarlett's POV

   I had no way of knowing how long I was out when I snapped back into consciousness. I made sure my mask was still on my face, caring more about that, than the fact I was in someone's arms.
"Oh, she's up!" I recognized the voice of Robin, opening my eyes, annoyed to see he was the one carrying me.
"Put me down!" I snapped, hopping out of Robin's muscular arms, standing once my feet touch the ground. I quickly glanced around, seeing Batman standing by his car, arms folded across his chest. "Where's the Joker?"
"We took care of it." Batman snarled.
"Right, right." I rolled my eyes, adjusting my mask. "Then why don't I see a body bag?"
"We don't kill people."

   "So you really are a miracle worker." Robin mused, breaking the awkward tension, and I glared at him. He irritated me, oh so very much.
"Did you not believe it when you saw me heal the first time?" I asked, putting my hands on my hips.
"Where do you live?" Batman growled, and I looked over at his cloaked figure.
"I'm not telling you!" I scoffed, twisting the hair in my ponytail. "Can you drop me off by the intersection of Sampson and St. Claire?" I asked, referencing an intersection around five blocks from my apartment.
"Fine. Get in." Batman demanded, and I watched Robin get in, then following him.


   After making sure Batman and Robin were not following me, I headed back to my apartment, using the rusty fire escape to get up to my bedroom. For the entire rest of the night, I couldn't stop thinking about the Joker, and healing the people, but more about waking up and seeing Robin. I mean, I would rather be in his arms than Batman's, because he scared me, and I don't like being scared. I was still curious as to what they did to the Joker, but I honestly wasn't sure I wanted to find out. Once quietly in my room, I changed, just throwing on a t-shirt and climbing into bed, hugging my pillow. I set the alarm to get me up in the morning on my phone, for some reason finding myself looking at the photo I took and made my lock-screen, of Dick and Achilles, smiling at the thought of him.

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