The Squirrel on Drugs

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Okay, so I'm going away on Saturday, so I thought I'd update to keep you guys busy. This is a short chapter, sorry. I guess most of my chapters are, but I have a lot of writing to post, still.


Scarlett's POV

"What?!" I gasped. He lived with Bruce Wayne?!

"Bruce Wayne is my guardian."

I almost fell out of the tree.


Dick nodded.


"Yeah." Dick ran his fingers through his charcoal hair and I noticed one of the girls I was observing earlier come away from the herd of other girls, and advance towards us. Ugh.

"Hey Dick!" She called up to us.

"Hi Melody." Dick replied, looking like he was struggling to not roll his blue eyes.

"Why are you up there?"

"I'm talking to Scarlett. It was her idea."

I grinned and Melody frowned.

"I'm coming up." She announced and I snorted.

No you're not, I thought.

She sloppily placed her hands in crappy handholds, and hauled herself off the ground. She looked like a squirrel on drugs. Melody's poorly plucked eyebrows were screwed up, and she looked almost cross eyes looking at the tree. She'd managed to scramble up about a metre, but she was wearing flats, which had no grip on them, which caused her to slip, scraping her knee in the process. She landed on her feet but then fell back on her butt. "Ow!" She yelped.

Dick bit his lip, chuckling softly. He was trying so hard not to laugh.

I didn't care, so I started laughing full out.

Melody looked up and glared at me. "Bitch." She muttered.

"Excuse me?" I growled. "It's not my fault you can't climb."

Dick snorted.

"Shut up."

"No thanks." I snapped back. Maybe I was arrogant, sure, but this girl was pissing me off. I looked at my watch, seeing that lunch was almost up.

"Whatever." Melody murmured, hobbling away, back to her buffet of man-whores. I almost felt like I wanted to be sick looking at her sob to some guy about the scrape on her leg. Dick started laughing.

"I don't think I've ever seen a girl sass another girl like that."

I smirked.

"What can I say? I'm bold."

"That you are."

"I make enemies easily, though." I frowned. "Like Melody. Friends are harder to get."

"Yeah, me too. You have no idea." I knit my eyebrows together, puzzled as to why he would say that. I was referring to how many enemies I made on the street at night. Criminals hated me, and rightly so, as I kicked the crap out of them on a nightly basis. Then the bell to end lunch rang. I zipped my lunch bag up and climbed down the tree, jumping the last little bit.

I looked back up to Dick, watching as he, incredibly gracefully, swung down using a branch. He jumped the last bit as well, landing in a perfect crouch. He was a way better climber than me. I gripped my lunch bag and then sprinted off back towards the school. It quickly turned into a race between Dick and I. He kept pace with me well. His black hair blew in the wind as he ran, and I got the feeling he wasn't trying all that hard. Damn, was he fast. I slowed down once I got onto the asphalt.

"You're really fast." I gasped, holding the door into the building for him.

"Thanks." Dick replied, walking down the hall towards out classroom. "You're not that bad yourself." I grinned and unlocked my locker. I grabbed my gym clothes and put on my sneakers, as we had gym class in ten minutes. I popped into class for attendance, then jogged down to the gym before anyone else. I changed quickly and was in the gym, sitting on the bench waiting for ten minutes for the other girls to show up.

Our gym teacher came and explained what we were doing that day. The first unit was baseball. One of my favourite sports. She asked who had played baseball before, and a couple girls raised their hands. She asked us to take out the gloves, bats and balls. The teacher went through rules, how to throw, blah blah blah, how to bat, when our teacher finally took us outside to the baseball diamond. We were to practice batting first. Ms. Adams asked who wanted to try it first.

My hand shot up. I stepped up to the spot we were to bat from, whilst Ms. Adams pulled a ball out of the bin. All the girls in the class were chatting away as I was excited at the prospect of showing off to the girls in my class. I swung as the ball came into the right spot and was shocked when I didn't hit it. I heard a few girls whisper, and chuckle. I glared at them.

"That's alright, Scarlett. But you see, girls, Scarlett had perfect form. Just spend more time aiming."

I grinned at the praise, and got into position again. I swung hard at the right time, the ball hitting my bat, making a loud ring. A few girls squeaked and jumped in surprise, then fell silent. I heard a bunch of "good job"s around me. Ms. Adams threw another and I hit a line drive straight to centre field, missing Ms. Adams, thankfully. She went to retrieve the ball, to find it for lack of a better word, broken. The seams were broken up and the inside of the ball was a mess.


"Oh my God, Scarlett." Ms. Adams gasped.

"Sorry." I murmured cheekily.

Mrs. Jones was disappointed I broke the ball, but-

Bottom line: I automatically made the baseball team without need of a try-out.


Again, apologies for this being so short.

Till next update


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