In a City Like Gotham

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Scarlett Donovan's POV

"Beep, beep, beep." My alarm clock informed me. I rolled over in my soft, warm bed and slammed my fist down on the snooze button. I cracked one eye open, squinting at the bright red letters of the clock. Five-forty-five in the morning. Gosh, I didn't realise how early that really was. I heard the click-clacking of my German Shepard Clove's nails on the hardwood floor as she came over to wake me up. I flicked on the reading lamp above my bed, and it filled the room with dim light. Clove was right in front of me, staring at me with her adorable brown eyes.

She jumped up onto the bed and settled herself between me and the wall, pushing me out of bed.

"Fine then." I joked, patting her soft head. I pulled off my purple covers, goosebumps crawling up my legs. I pressed my feet to the chilly, hardwood floor and stood up. I yawned, stretched and headed to the bathroom, the door to which was across the room. I stumbled over, sleep still clinging to me. I opened the door, and stepped inside. It wasn't any warmer in there then my bedroom. I pulled off my shirt and shorts, turning on the shower.
I let the water get warm before stepping in. I smiled, gladly greeting the hot liquid. I took my time washing my hair and body, as I usually did. I took about fifteen minutes, and then got out and dried off with a fluffy blue towel. It was the first day of school at my new school, Thomas Wayne High School. I left the bathroom, the towel wrapped around me. Clove was still on my bed, patiently waiting for me to feed her and take her out. I peeked out the window, to see the sun just barely shining above the horizon, sending a beautiful pink and orange light over Gotham City.

I drew the curtains and got dressed. I went to my dresser and pulled out some grey leggings, a light blue shirt, bra, underwear and socks. Next stop was jewellery. I opened my black jewellery box, pulling out a necklace with both my mother's wedding and diamond engagement ring on it. I inherited everything of hers after she died. That was when I was six. I was seventeen now. I lived with my dad above a dance studio, to which I had free use of. It was now six-thirty, and I left my bedroom to go get some breakfast. Clove jumped off my bed and trotted out of the room. My dad was still asleep, as he went to work an hour later than me. I flicked on the light, and my living room lit up. Our apartment had a very open concept, so the living room, kitchen and work space were all in the same room, with exposed brick supports.

I walked across the room and up the three steps into the kitchen. I opened my fridge, trying to decide what to make. I settled on a club sandwich, and got started on the bacon. Clove came into the kitchen, looking up at me.
"Clove, go lie down." I commanded gently, pointing to her large dog bed near the couch. She did as she was told and left, curling up on the fuzzy grey mat. Whilst it was sizzling away, I retrieved some lettuce, mayo, turkey and whole wheat bread.

I silently thanked God for my meal, and asked Him to give me a good day. After I was finished eating, I whistled to Clove and got her leash from my front entrance, clipping it on. I picked up a tennis ball because I wanted to go to the park, and she wagged her tail in excitement. I walked down the flight of stairs, down the main hall of the dance studio, past change rooms, the biggest studio room and two washrooms. The park was a few blocks from the studio, so we started walking. Gotham City was a pretty shady place; full of strip clubs, dark alleyways, and dive-y bars.
That was one of the great things about Clove. She was a pretty big German Shepard, which made people think twice about bothering me. They were also used by the police, which made her scarier. Even if someone were to attack me, Clove would attack first. Dad and I lived on the outskirts of Gotham, a more residential area, whereas the heart of the city was all crappy apartment buildings and stuff. The most powerful man in Gotham, Bruce Wayne, lived about fifteen minutes away (driving) in a giant-ass mansion on a giant-ass property called Wayne Manor.

I'd seen him on TV once or twice, and had no desire to meet him in person whatsoever. He had this "I own the world and all you stupid people in it" persona. I didn't know if that's how he really was but I wasn't going to try and find out. Rumour had it around Gotham that he was the biggest man-whore around, sleeping with someone new every night. A benefit to the seedy town was Batman, and his side-kick, Robin. They did a pretty good job of keeping the city clean, apparently. Fortunately, I'd never needed their assistance, so I'd never met either one of them.

When we got to the park, I let Clove off her leash, and I threw the tennis ball for her. I'd trained my dog well enough that I could let her off leash in open areas, even if they didn't have a fence. Whenever I whistled to Clove, she'd come galloping back. She was also an incredible ball-catcher. She would sit by my side, and then I would throw the ball, and Clove would take off like a shot, tearing up dirt as she ran. One time that morning, I threw it, and she ran, but then made this huge jump, and caught the ball in midair. I glanced down at my watch, reading seven fifty.
I called Clove back and clipped her leash on. We headed back to the apartment. When we got back, I put my boots back on, grabbed my backpack and headed out the door.


I thought this chapter was kind of a filler, but my friend said she liked it. I love comments and votes. Just saying. Thoughts and ideas are welcome.

If you like Star Wars, go give my book "Flying through the Flames" a read please!


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