Under the Hood

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This chapter is dedicated to Robyn_1026 because she knew this chapter was coming a long time ago, and frankly, because she's a nice person whose comments make me smile.

Read this authors note if you want to know about things that are relevant to this book. (I am in fact aware I ramble)

I'm having a contest, and this is what's gonna happen with that contest:

The person who comes up with the most creative, kind, funny or just all around best comment will have the opportunity to be put into this book as a character. I will reply to the comment of the person who wins letting them know they won, or private message them and then they can private message me their name (last names aren't necessary).

If you aren't comfortable with giving your real name, you can make up a name and give it to me, that's totally fine as well. The character is probably going to be a girl, so hopefully the person who wins is a girl. (Male specimens out there, don't not try because of that! :)

The more comments you leave, the better the chance is of you winning. ;)

A few more things-- I'll try and keep this rant under 300 words; the Green Arrow and the Black Canary I'm writing about in this is a mix from the show Arrow and comics. Fans of the show- SPOILER ALERT!!!

I'm ditching how Ra's Al Ghul offered Oliver his place because I think it's silly, but I'm keeping how Nyssa trained Laurel. There's a pretty cool (and not that long) video posted along with an edit from the last chapter, about Laurel and her Black Canary awesomeness.

Okay, bye now.



Scarlett's POV

I was someone's girlfriend. I was Dick Grayson's girlfriend. Hm. That sounded nice. I thought as a laid in bed, staring up at the ceiling. I couldn't, not that I would anyway, rant to my dad about it because he was away in Boston, again. I guess I wasn't ever that lonely because when Dad used to be away, I was at the ranch, and there was always someone and/or animals there. This year, I hung out with Dick, Spencer, Benji and Bethany when I was lonely or snuggled with Clove. I sighed. I had the best friends.


I was rudely awoken by a loud whoosh, and then was smacked in the face with a whole bunch of papers from my desk. I heard Clove barking before I opened my eyes, jumping back to see a tall man dressed in a red suit standing in my room.

The Scarlet Speedster--

Was in my bedroom.

"What the-" All I saw was a flash of lighting, inside my room, and this guy's arms around me, carrying me. "What are you doing?!" Was all I could cry out before I found myself in a completely different room, filled with fluorescent light, weapons and a lot of metallic surfaces. When my slower-than-the-Flash's brain registered I was standing in my pyjamas in front of some guy my age in a red hoodie, the Green Arrow, the Black Canary -minus the mask and wid-, a dark-skinned man, and-- Felicity Smoak lying on the metal examination table... She was very obviously in septic shock, an extremely dangerous and fatal condition when coupled with blood poisoning, which she had as well. "Oh. My. Gosh."

"Please help her--" Green Arrow's deepened voice begged, causing me to curl my lip.
"Where am I?! Tell me that for starters!" I roared, moving closer to him. His hood was up, and I couldn't see his face.
"Star City." The dark guy replied.
"Who are you?!" I pointed an aggressive finger at the man in green standing by a quickly deteriorating Felicity.
"I'll tell you after, we're wasting time. Please!" He sounded desperate, but I knew I could save her, therefore I was in the mood for 'wasting time'.
"No." I growled, glaring intensely at Green Arrow. What he did next shocked me: he lowered his hood.

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