It's Called Self-Defence, Bitch

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Scarlett's POV

I gritted my teeth and started walking to the nearest exit of the building.

"Nothing." I muttered. I knew she was talking about the dinner, and I knew it was my fault she'd heard.

"I'm calling bullshit, Scarlett."

"Why do you care? You have a boyfriend, don't you?"

"No." She replied, walking after me. I pushed open the heavy green metal door, stepping out into the cool, damp air. "I dunno. I'm just curious."

"I'm calling bullshit, Melody." I snarked back, mocking her.

"Are you actually going over to his house tonight?" I glared at her. I kept walking, and she kept following me.

"Go away."

"So you are."

"Yes." I spat.

"Why? Since when are you guys friends?"

"I said go away, did I not?" I growled.

"I wouldn't get your hopes up, if I were you. He's not into you."

"Okay then." I said.

"Some girls here have their eye on him, and they're really competitive."

"Like you?" She stopped walking, irritation lighting up her eyes.

We'd made it to the grass, about one hundred metres from the Tree.

"Whatever, just stay away from him."

"Okay, Melody. Stop. Dick Grayson is my friend. I will not be competing to be his girlfriend. Fuck off."

"Excuse me?" She barked.

"Fuck off." I repeated, my anger igniting. "D'you want me to spell it out for you?"

"You're such a bitch!" Melody seethed.

"I know you think you need him to complete your collection of man-whores, but I'm pretty sure he isn't that stupid. But, I could be wrong. I won't speak for him." I snarled.

Melody's face turned red. She was pissed.

"You're a terrible person. No one will ever like you." I snorted.

"I don't know what your problem is, but what I do with my friends is my business. I keep to myself most of the time, so stay out of my way."

"Pfft. You act so tough but really, you're weak."

"Shut the fuck up! I've been through things you can't even imagine. I bet you think you live the perfect, apple-pie life with a big house and two perfect parents. I bet you think you're the prettiest girl in the school, because you get loads of attention from guys because all the boys love how your ass hangs out of your shorts!"

Melody gasped.

"You bitch." She balled her fist up and wound it back, swinging it at me. I blocked the punch with my left arm and hit her with my other hand. She stumbled back. "Ow! That hurt!"

"It's called self-defense, bitch." I barked, turning on my heel and power-walking over to the Tree. I saw Dick jump out of it and race towards me.

"What the hell happened?"

"She tried to punch me and I punched her first."

"I would give you a high-five, but that would make me a jerk." He grinned. "I mean, it was self-defence, so it's fine but I hope she's okay." Dick said, looking over at her. The side of her face where I'd hit her was a little red, but she seemed fine.

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