Tick, Tick, Tick, Boom

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Just a warning, there's a lot of swearing in this chapter.




Scarlett's POV

The bell rang just as I was sitting down in my geography class. It'd been four weeks since I met Green Arrow and his crew for the first time, and four weeks since I last spoke to Dick.

When I saw him with Taylor now, she was all over him and he seemed uncomfortable and disinterested.
"Alright, take your seats everyone." Mr. Coleman called to the class. "Today we're going to look at what happens when the design of a building is heavily flawed. Naturally, this has consequences, as most things do."
"Here we go again." Spencer, who was sitting in front of me, muttered.
"Today we'll be looking at a building collapse back in April of 1996."

My heart just about stopped. April 8th, 1996 was the day my mother died.

"Has anyone heard of this? It's a key example why the columns of buildings should be repaired and monitored."

I could feel the colour drain from my face, my mouth becoming really dry. I was not prepared to talk about this in school. It had never been brought up in a classroom, in my whole life.

"Now, what lead to a hundred casualties was the fact that no one updated or monitored the columns which supported the building. Once one collapsed, the others followed suit like a domino effect." Mr. Coleman stated, incorrectly.


"Wrong." I murmured, though loud enough for the teacher to hear me.

"Excuse me? Would you like to run that by me again?"


My blood began to boil in my veins, my breathing getting heavier.

"You're wrong." I tried to say as calmly as I could.

"I don't understand what you mean Scarlett. The statistics don't lie. Now, if we continue on we see--"


I laughed, knowing anything he said was going to be wrong at this point.

"WRONG!" I scoffed, brushing my hair back with my hand.

"Scarlett, quiet down this instant! Do I need to get the principal involved?!" You might, I thought. "Think of how disrespectful you're being to the people who died to teach us to learn from our mistakes!"


I tensed up, slowly leaning forward in a purposeful and very challenging manner, about to lose my nerve. I glared at Mr. Coleman with my most intense stare, digging my fingernails into the skin of my hands. Slowly, I stood up, worried I would attack the teacher, my fists pressed against the desk.

"I'm being disrespectful?! Did I hear you right? I must have residual bullshít stuck in my ears. The only mistake we've made is not having greater security in places like that!" I cried.

"Statistics are never wrong, Scarlett!" Mr. Coleman insisted, picking up the phone to call the principal.

"They are this time, you asshole. The building didn't go down due to structural failure, well I guess you could call it that after some terrorist blew the support columns!" My voice rose with every word, not even caring about the looks I was getting from my classmates.

"We have no time for your conspiracy theories! Now OUT! GET OUT OF MY CLASS!" The teacher yelled at me, pointing to the door, even though I had no intention to leave until I said what I wanted to.

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