Hang Up Your Wings

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I truly am sorry it took me this long to update. When I think about it too hard I feel like a jerk face. bookworms56

If you like Star Wars (this might actually work, telling you guys about this book, as opposed to Brigadier that fell flat) please check out Flying Through the Flames (A Poe Dameron Love Story).

I STRONGLY recommend listening to the song I posted with this chapter, "Jealous of the Angels by Jenn Bostic". If ever there was a song in this book that went perfectly with a chapter, this is it. <3 <3

If you want, start it when Charlie shows up. :)

As well, above is a photo of one of my rings I just bought, that looks exactly like Scarlett's promise ring.



I came to with a bright light shining in my face.

"Wakey, wakey." A sort of-- crazed voice drawled, the light flickering. I opened my eyes, groaning in reaction to the throbbing pain of my head. I quickly healed myself to make it go away, and sat up straighter.

The Joker was right in front of me and I bit back a scoff.

"Wow." I laughed. "Lucky me. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Quiet, you pretty little thing." The Joker cackled, as another man came out of the shadows.

"Hello, Miss Donovan. I'm quite sorry to have to involve you in all this, but it's going to be a good time." The new man said, twirling the staff he was holding, which was tall and green in the shape of a question mark, as he tipped his top hat.

"What's going to be 'a good time'?" I snapped, glaring at the man, who I assumed was the Riddler. I'd never met him but Dick had, and told me about the man obsessed with riddles.

"We're going to do a test."

My heart lurched, automatically assuming they knew I was Archangel somehow, and were going to cut me up to see if I could heal myself.

"W-what test?"

"I would like to know how much you mean to Bruce and his son."

I recoiled, confused and surprise as he came closer to me.


"We're going to take a video of our time together, and broadcast it so your lovely little Richard can see it, with a little riddle to solve so they can find you." The Riddler responded, smiling loosely.

I continued to glare, trying to figure out how I could escape this situation by myself, and kept drawing blanks. For starters, I had no idea where I was. It was completely dark, save for a lamp, on a table with a computer sitting atop it as well.

The Riddler set up a tripod, an old film camera mounted on top, before hopping back over to me in a quite animated fashion.

The Joker watched him, a big grin on his white face that displayed his mouth, a bunch of his teeth coated with metal.

"We know you're our little angel, too, Scarlett." He whispered in my ear, causing me to rear my head in laughter, doing my absolute best to make it seem like I had no idea what he was talking about.


"Oh, please." The Joker sneered, waltzing a circle around the chair in which I was bound. "Of course you are! You and I both know that's true."

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