She's Nothing

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So, I got myself a great idea. It's bookworms56 's birthday today, so I thought I'd give her/them a birthday present. This is weird that I'm updating so soon after the last chapter, but bookworms56 'll be happy about this, probably. Readers, you'll read what I mean. *cackles* I think the song above goes well with this chapter.

Question of the Day: Who knows/watches the TV show Arrow? Please comment if you do, I'm curious. :)


Dick's POV

Taylor was sitting across the classroom from Scarlett and I, batting her eyelashes at me, making me smirk.
"Alright class, settle down!" Mr. Nicholson said to the class, his booming voice silencing everyone. "Today we're going to be working on ionic and covalent bonds. I want you to get into pairs, and make ionic or covalent bonds using this worksheet." As he began handing them out, I went and got two, one for me, and one for Scarlett.
"Thanks. We'll be partners, yeah?" Scarlett asked, and I nodded.
"Yeah." I heard Taylor come up behind me before she wrapped her arms around my waist, settling her chin on my shoulder, her breasts pressed against my back.
"Ya don't mind if I borrow your science buddy, do you?" She asked, her hands touching my stomach.

The red-head shook her head, eyes narrow.
"No, I guess."
"Are you sure?" Taylor asked to confirm, Scarlett seemingly trying her best to keep a scowl off her face.
"Yep." Scarlett replied, accompanied but an obviously insincere smile. After that, Taylor pulled me away, my feelings mixed about Scarlett's reaction. I didn't really want to ditch her, but it was hard to say no to a pretty girl who had her hands all over me.
"Let's work outside." Taylor suggested, asking Mr. Nicholson. After we got the green light, Taylor grabbed me by the wrist and tugged me outside, deciding to sit around the corner from the classroom.

We actually didn't get much work done, Taylor was too distracting, with her flirty touches, her body... oh God. She was pretty good a science, but I was better, so we got into an light argument about which way was better to make Ionic Bonds, as there were two ways.
"It's the same thing!" I insisted, but the flipped her hair and didn't listen to me, looking down at the worksheet.
"But if you switch the atoms like this y--"
"That's not how you do it!" I cut her off, grinning.
"Yeah, it is! You dork." Taylor giggled, and I looked at her, feeling a momentary burst of confidence.

"Would you like to go out with me sometime?" I asked after a pause, and she looked at me, her blue eyes shocked.
"What? What about Scarlett?" I scoffed, running my hand through my hair.
"She's nothing!" I said lightly. "We're not dating. I really wish Bruce could fine the writers of the Gotham Gazette." Taylor laughed again.
"Okay, if you're sure..." She murmured.
"Great." I said, grinning like a maniac. Taylor looked at me, leaning in suddenly. Before I could jump back, she was kissing me, her hands in my hair. I was surprised at first, but then relaxed into her touch.


Scarlett's POV

She's nothing.

She's nothing.

Dick Grayson's words rang in my ears as I stormed out of the class when the bell sounded, signalling the end of the day. I strode straight to my locker, unable to stop my fist slamming into the blue painted metal out of impulse. I wasn't sure what I was going to do at that moment. Not with my life, obviously this wasn't going to affect the big picture, but I didn't want to talk to Dick again today. Screw today, probably the rest of the freaking month. I was nothing to him?! Asshole, I thought bitterly, leaving the school, running into Bethany.
"Scarlett? Are you okay?" The brunette asked, concern shining in her green eyes.

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