Snowflakes and Steam

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Archangel's so close to one thousand votes and five hundred comments and I'm so happy about that. Also, 18,000 reads. Awesome, guys! This chapter's gonna be fun, so strap in. ;) The song above or to the side is what I listened to when writing the end scene, feel free to listen to it but it doesn't really go with the first part of the chapter. Enjoy!



Dick's POV

Even though the Christmas party had went to shit, I didn't really expect Scarlett to not talk to me the entirety of the break, other than strange texting about the details of Charlie Dawson's life. The point of which our relationship was at confused me.

First date: check.

First kiss: check.

Dancing: check, check, check.

I thought I did a pretty good job, but apparently that was not the case, because Scarlett avoided me all break. Thinking about her made my head hurt, like about if I should ask her to be my girlfriend (Benji thought that was a good idea), whether I even wanted her as my girlfriend (who was I kidding, of course I did), and wondering what I did wrong.

Before she left the party, Scarlett seemed a bit snappy and cold, leaving me wondering what the hell'd happened for two weeks. On our first day back at school, there was an announcement made about Scarlett's truly heroic act at the party with Charlie, but all that did was embarrass her. I attempted rubbing her back soothingly, expecting to be yelled at, but Scarlett just sat there with her head on the desk. After school, I found Scarlett at her locker and decided to try and see what was wrong.
"Hey, are you okay?" I started softly.
"Yeah." She replied, sounding truthful, but understanding as to why I asked. "Look, I'm sorry I didn't talk to you over the break. I kinda stayed in, watching Netflix."

I smirked, that sounding accurate for me as well, with breaks to fight crime and working out in there.
"Would you like to go out on a date with me?" I asked, curious about what she would say as she looked at me a little weird.
"Like what would we do?" She asked.
"We could catch a movie--"
"No." She snapped, cutting me off. "No movies. You can't even talk during movies."
"Uh, okay... How about we take Clove out for a walk at Wayne Manor? We have a lot of property. After that we could go for a swim or something." I suggested, the idea of the beautiful girl in a swim suit making me grin.

"Ooh, that's good." She told me. "I'd do that."
"Great! Wanna go this weekend?"
"Sure." She said, before shutting her locker. "I'll see you tomorrow." Suddenly, she hugged me tightly before turning away without another word.


"Master Dick, Miss Donovan is here." Alfred informed me as her black vehicle pulled up our driveway, and I peered though the window, watching her get out and grab Clove.
"Sweet." I said absentmindedly, watching her in the snow, walking up to the front door which I opened before she could knock. "Hey."
"Hi." She replied, looking down at Clove, who was sitting next to her, looking up at us in an adorable way. "Are you ready to go?"
"Yeah." I said, pulling on my boots and jacket, walking out of the house with her. "There's a really nice trail that way." I pointed to the left, over into the forest.
"Lead the way." I extended my hand to Scarlett, and she grinned, taking it.

We walked through the snowy field hand in hand until we got to the forest, where we had to go single file, because it was a thin path.
"Where are you going to apply for University?" I asked, curious as to where Scarlett wanted to go in the future.
"I'm going to apply to the University of Heath Sciences in Central City, the University of Blüdhaven, and Ryerson University." She said, her boots crunching through the crust that lay atop the snow. Ryerson was here in Gotham, and I wondered where she really wanted to get in.
"Where do you think you'll get in?"
"I dunno."
"Where do you hope to get in?"

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