[Season 4] Ep. 2 - Into the Fray with Professors!

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In the bustling communication center, the anticipation was palpable as we awaited our turn, a mix of excitement and nervousness swirling through the air. All eyes were glued to the screens, eagerly awaiting Miyako and Ema's turn, their test promising to be unlike any other.

Meanwhile, amidst the buzz of anticipation, the girls were preparing themselves in the heart of the expansive forest of Ground Omega, Elemental lurking somewhere in the shadows. Ema, in an attempt to calm her nerves, settled into a cross-legged position, contemplating their strategy.

- "So, we've got the choice between capture and escape, with our success graded regardless of our decision," Ema mused aloud, seeking Miyako's input.

- "Escape seems like the safer bet, given our quirks and the professor's abilities. But he's definitely got the upper hand in this environment," Miyako responded thoughtfully.

- "True, but maybe we can turn the tables. We could set a trap to immobilize him, giving us a chance to make a clean getaway," Ema suggested, a mischievous glint in her eye.

Miyako arched an eyebrow in curiosity.

- "And how do you propose we do that?"

Ema's grin widened, revealing her sharp canines.

- "Trust me, it's going to be hot."

A resounding chime echoed across Ground Omega, signaling the commencement of the event. Amidst the dense foliage, Elemental lurked, poised near the sole exit, his senses keenly attuned to his surroundings. Concealed behind a towering tree, he dispersed sand along his right flank, using gusts of air from his head to scatter it, all the while ensconced behind a shroud of vegetation, his wooden leg drawn close to his body to render him virtually invisible.

As he focused on tracking his adversaries, Elemental felt the telltale sensation of some grains of sand igniting upon contact with fire—a sure sign of Ema's presence, or perhaps a clever ruse. With the flames flickering at the forest's far end, Elemental suspected a diversion tactic, drawing him away from the entrance where the girls likely lay in wait.

To fortify his position, Elemental stretched sinewy tendrils of wood between trees, erecting a makeshift barrier to bar their escape route. Little did he know, the girls had anticipated this move and were poised to strike.

With a synchronized flourish, Ema and Miyako emerged from the foliage, shrouded in scarlet capes, poised for action. Miyako swiftly produced incendiary projectiles from her belt, crafted from sheets of paper transmuted through a chemical formula provided by her digital visor. As flames erupted around them, Ema unleashed her fiery mane, further engulfing the surroundings.

- "Argh! My leg!" Elemental's cry pierced the air as he was forced to reveal his position. 

With swift determination, he hurled sand from his right side, attempting to quench the encroaching flames while shielding his head with his rocky arm. Meanwhile, he discreetly concealed his wooden leg by expanding his steel limb, hoping to maintain the element of surprise.

But his efforts proved futile, and the girls seized the opportunity to make their escape. In a desperate bid, Elemental reached out, extending his sandy arm toward Miyako, intent on halting her flight.

- "Alchemy, behind you!" Ema's urgent warning shattered the tension.

In an instant, Miyako transmuted her cape into water, neutralizing Elemental's sandy grasp. Before he could react with his rocky arm, Ema lunged forward, delivering a fierce blow from her fiery mane that, while not causing significant harm, certainly caught his attention.

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