[Season 3] Ep. 2 - Internship Insights!

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The lunch bell resounded, heralding our much-anticipated lunch break, and we all made a beeline for Mama Hunk's cafeteria, with just one topic dominating our conversations: the selection of our internships. While we had a generous 48-hour window to deliberate and ponder our options, who among us would truly procrastinate until the last hour?

As I queued up with my tray, awaiting my turn for serving, Manami and Daichi, having been the first to descend from the classroom and partake of the cafeteria fare, seized the moment to address the class.

- "Hey, folks! Manami and I had this idea that we should all dine together, taking two adjacent tables of ten."

- "This way, we can discuss our internship offers together. What say you?"

Despite some initial reluctance from the more solitary souls among us, like Kenshin and Katsuro, the class overwhelmingly voted in favor, and we headed to the tables reserved by our class representatives.

True to form, I found myself seated between Kaito on my left and Shiro and Ren on my right, with Ema and Masako seated opposite us, joined later by Mari, Kazuo, and Katsuro, who seemed undecided about where to sit.

As the class settled in for their meal, the atmosphere buzzed with excitement and anticipation, with discussions about internships unfolding naturally.

- "Crunch, crunch. So, have you all made your internship decisions yet?" Shiro inquired between bites.

- "For me, it's a no-brainer. I'm going straight for the top-ranked hero's offer. Currently eyeing Magma, the number six hero on the charts." Kaito responded confidently. "What about you, Shiro?

- "I'm not sure. I don't think I'll follow your lead, Kaito. I'm more inclined to go with my gut and choose the ones I feel the best connection with. So far, I'm leaning towards the Pop Rock agency. They seem really cool," Shiro answered, his tone contemplative.

- "According to my research online, the Pop Rock agency consists of four former U.A. students, each with quirks mostly based on music. Their names are Echo, Melody, Head Bang, and Rock Devil, I believe," Kazuo chimed in, glancing at his smartphone for confirmation.

- "Thanks for the info, Kazuo. By the way, any thoughts on your internship?" Kaito inquired further.

- "With the limited offers I've received, I think I'm going to go with the Brain'On'Wheels agency. He's considered one of the sharpest heroes out there, and I reckon his intellect will help me push the boundaries of my quirk and explore new applications," Kazuo responded thoughtfully.

- "Hmm... It's almost tougher to choose when your options are limited. As for me, I'm leaning towards Floaty," Mari shyly chimed in.

- "Oh, you too, Mari?" Manami called out, her tone encouraging. "I was also thinking of joining her agency since she primarily focuses on rescuing children, which aligns perfectly with my aspirations."

- "Great! I was a little afraid of being alone, but if I'm with someone from the class, that's fine," Mari replied happily before turning to Ema. "And you, Ema, with all the offers you've had, which one interests you the most?"

- "Without hesitation: Diva!" Ema exclaimed, her excitement palpable. "Apart from her incredibly gorgeous beauty, she's got it all going for her. She's the number 3 heroine in the Japanese hero billboard charts, she's badass, and she has a quirk that uses her hair! Just like me! This woman has everything to please me..."

- "Ah, well... that's great for you, go for it," Mari's voice betrayed a hint of sadness.

- "Trying to aim for the top by training with number 3 is good, but personally, I'm aiming much higher. That's why I accepted the internship offer from State, the number two," Kenshin chimed in confidently.

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