[Season 4] Ep. 8 - Experiments

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While we were winding down from our eventful shopping day and drifting off to sleep in our dormitory, atop the roof of an abandoned building, a man with ashen hair and a distinctive tube mask surveyed the city below with envy, lost in his thoughts until he was abruptly interrupted.

- "Master Burner, forgive my intrusion, but the Doctor requests your presence," a feminine silhouette crafted from glass shards spoke.

- "Very well. Let's hope the old man has something worthwhile to share; I'm growing rather impatient," Burner replied, extending his hand to his sidekick as they stepped towards the expansive rooftop window.

With a swift movement, they passed through the glass, briefly traversing the mirror dimension before reemerging in the Doctor's laboratory.

- "Ah, there you are! I have excellent news!" the Doctor exclaimed.

- "I assume it has to do with your gloves stained in blood," Burner remarked knowingly.

- "Ahah, what a keen observer you are! Indeed, my experiments with the Grandmaster's quirk have yielded nice results on 2 of the 4 subjects for the upcoming operation."

- "What became of the 2 failures?"

- "Oh, nothing unusual. One died in excruciating pain, and the second survived without physical consequences. As for his psyche, I can't guarantee anything. But that is not the important thing! The result is certainly splendid but highly unstable. Also, the Grand Master asks us to intervene sooner than expected."

- "What?! In plain sight?! So soon?! It's way too dangerous with all the heroes present, not to mention the safety. I wouldn't commit my team to this!"

- "Master Burner! You would dare to make such an affront to our leader?" asked Bloody Mary, outraged.

- "Calm down. This has already been settled with the boss. Your team will not intervene. Mine will."

- "Yours? What do you mean?" asked Burner.

- "Come with me."

The balding man in the crimson scrubs and blood-spattered black rubber gloves led them to another room, a horror-movie-like operating theater with walls drenched in blood and the first bed veiled with a hastily thrown sheet, concealing a grotesque tableau, presumably the aftermath of a violent struggle.

- "Excuse the mess; I haven't had the time to tidy up yet," the Doctor muttered, his voice tinged with eerie nonchalance.

As they navigated through the room, they passed the bed of a man tightly bound, seemingly trapped in the clutches of a nightmare, his restless movements betraying his torment - undoubtedly the second failure.

Reaching the far end of the room, an intense yet erratic light emanated from one of the two beds flanking the group, casting eerie shadows across the grim surroundings.

- "I present to you my latest masterpieces, Elek and Mag!" the Doctor declared theatrically as he dramatically drew back the curtains, revealing two hospital beds. 

Resting upon them were two men—one seemingly composed of pure electricity, crackling with energy, while the other appeared to be fashioned entirely of metal.

- "What's surprising about them besides their mutation quirks?" Burner inquired, his tone tinged with skepticism.

- "Well..." The Doctor's mischievous grin widened. "They don't possess mutation quirks precisely. Or should I say they didn't. Thanks to my experiments and the Grand Master's intervention, I've managed to awaken something entirely new within them. The one who once possessed only weak electrokinesis now commands electricity with absolute mastery, while the other, who could previously only manipulate small magnets with his mind, has become a magnet himself, capable of controlling metal with unparalleled skill."

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