[Season 6] Ep. 3 - Racing Towards Victory

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We found ourselves encircled, Electrific bearing down on us from the front while Echo and Melody advanced from the flanks. With little time to spare, our class had to act swiftly. Naturally, in moments of crisis, our class representatives stepped up to take charge.

- "Those with ranged quirks, fire at will to push them back!" Daichi commanded.

- "Katsuro, Goro, Miyako, erect soundproof barriers. The rest, defend them at all costs!" Manami directed.

- "Got it!" We chorused in unison, ready to execute the plan.

At the forefront, Daichi unleashed a volley of fiery projectiles towards our assailants, while Ren followed suit, sending lasers slicing through the air towards Echo and Melody. Kazuo's drone sprang into action, unleashing a barrage of electric cables, while Kimiko summoned a swarm of wasps with a piercing whistle. Meanwhile, Mari utilized her telekinetic abilities to launch a barrage of rocks and marbles towards Ichi, who propelled them at breakneck speed towards our enemies.

In the blink of an eye, Katsuro erected a protective barrier from the ground, swiftly transmuted into a soundproof wall by Miyako. Goro, not to be outdone, reinforced it by fashioning a soundproof half-dome from the sandy floor behind us, equipping our comrades with spears and shields forged from soundproof glass. Ema, Masako, Kenshin, Manami, Kenichi, Noriaki, Yuka, Shinju, Kaito, and I stood ready behind this fortified line, armed and prepared for the onslaught.

Meanwhile, facing the onslaught from my comrades, Electrific surged forward, his body crackling with electricity as he swiftly closed the gap between us. Each projectile hurled at him met its demise in a burst of sparks, his electrified fists easily obliterating them. Only Daichi's fireballs managed to inflict some damage, leaving scorch marks on his hands, while Kimiko's valiant wasps scattered in disarray, overwhelmed by the surging bolts of lightning.

- "The path is clear, Echo, Melody!" Electrific bellowed, securing earplugs in his ears.

- "Time to shine!" Echo exclaimed, activating the speakers embedded in her suit connected to a lapel microphone. "Feedback!" she cried out, unleashing the power of her sound amplification quirk.

- "Sound Conversion: Shockwave!" Melody's voice reverberated, her quirk transforming the amplified soundwaves into potent energy, hurtling towards us in a deafening cascade.

- "On the wall, protection team! It's all on you!" Manami's authoritative command rang out from her position atop our defensive bastion. Yuka, Kenichi, and Shinju swiftly formed a protective barrier around us, cocooning us in layers of cloth and hair, shielding us from the impending onslaught. Meanwhile, Ichi and Shiro boldly advanced towards the encroaching enemy, their determination unyielding in the face of imminent danger.

- "Ready, Ichi? It's gonna be rough," Shiro cautioned, his voice tinged with urgency.

- "I know. But it's what we gotta do to win," Ichi affirmed, steeling himself for the impending clash.

- "Now that's being a man, a real man," Shiro praised, just as the shockwave loomed dangerously close. With a decisive gesture, he unleashed a peculiar low-frequency guttural burp from his mouth, amplified and propagated by the resonance chamber formed by Ichi's robust belly.

- "Super infrasound!" Ichi declared proudly, summoning his courage to withstand the piercing pain that gnawed at his core despite his formidable quirk.

As the two opposing sound waves collided, their contrasting frequencies clashed violently, creating a chaotic cacophony that reverberated through the surrounding area. It was a brief moment of respite, a fleeting opportunity to seize the initiative before the inevitable counter-attack.

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