[Season 4] Ep. 3 - Willpower Triumphs

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Arriving at the industrial site comprising Ground Gamma, where factories intertwined to form a maze, Kazuo felt oddly at ease amidst the heavy machinery, reminiscent of the Obstacle Course during my convalescence. Shinju, visibly anxious and finding her partner too relaxed given the circumstances, brought him back down to reality:

- "Matrix, snap out of it! If we're facing the teacher here, it's because he's got the upper hand! We need to find a solution, and fast!" she urged.

- "Uh, yeah, sorry. You're right. Once the test starts, I'll send my drone to scout for the exit and the teacher. Then we can plan our next move more effectively," Kazuo responded.

- "Perfect. And if necessary, I can use the fibers of my scarf and clothes as a breadcrumb trail or a decoy," Shinju suggested.

- "Okay, let's go with that," Kazuo agreed, his determination and confidence shining in his emerald eyes, reassuring Shinju and easing her anxieties.

As the bell signaling the start of the test rang out across Ground Gamma, Kazuo launched his drone as planned. Ascending to maximum altitude, the drone surveyed the maze's layout and spotted the exit. Suddenly, it detected Teacher Mecha Power atop a crane.

- "Perfect, from here I should easily find the kids... Hm? A drone? Hihi, perfect, it will make a great addition to my collection!" Mecha Power chuckled to himself as he grasped the crane with his oversized metal arms, activating his quirk.

Lightning crackled from his arms as the crane's top shrank, seeming to merge with his arm.

- "What's that?!" Kazuo exclaimed, startled by the drone's feed on his glasses.

In a swift move, Mecha Power extended the crane's cable toward the drone, attempting to shoot it down. Kazuo narrowly deflected the attack before landing the drone and securing it on his back. Grabbing Shinju's hand, he dashed toward the exit at full speed. Confused, Shinju questioned him:

- "What's happening?"

- "We need to hurry! The teacher fused his arm with a crane, and he's found us!" Kazuo explained.

- "What?!"

- "Damn it! I knew his quirk allowed him to merge with machines, but I didn't expect it to be this powerful!"

As they sprinted away at full tilt, Mecha Power swiftly closed the gap, swinging from rooftop to rooftop with the crane's cable before landing forcefully right in their path, blocking their escape.

- "Gotcha! No more hiding!" he declared triumphantly, hurling the cable from his crane arm toward Shinju, who was momentarily frozen in shock.

Reacting quickly, Kazuo activated his quirk and unfurled the wings of his drone from his back, propelling himself and Shinju out of harm's way just in time.

- "I'll keep him busy. You make a run for the exit!" Kazuo shouted, determination blazing in his eyes as he soared toward the adversary like a bird of prey.

Dodging another sweeping crane cable with agile grace, he closed in on Mecha Power, swiftly wrapping his arms and neck with the cables from his gloves, immobilizing the foe from behind.

In a moment of unwavering resolve, Shinju abandoned the idea of fleeing and instead launched herself at the professor, using her quirk to manipulate the fibers of her scarf, ensnaring Mecha Power's legs in a web of fabric.

- "I'm not running away without a fight!" she declared, mirroring Kazuo's determination as she closed in on the restrained teacher, handcuffs at the ready.

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