[Season 6] Ep. 5 - Rival Pairs: Advanced Quirk Training

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The previous night had been tough on me, but nowhere near as grueling as it was for my classmates, who spent their evening in a marathon catch-up session with Electrific and Nocturn. From 9 pm to 2 am, Ren, Mari, Shiro, Ichi, Yuka, Jikiru, and Suejirou delved into revisions, surprise quizzes, and rigorous physical training in the forest.

The next morning, observing the exhaustion etched on Shiro and Ren's faces, I marveled at their unwavering determination. As our class rallied to prepare breakfast, I took a moment to sit down with them and inquire about their resilience. Admittedly, it was also a welcome distraction from my own concerns.

- "Geez, you guys look damn spent! Yet, you seem even more fired up than yesterday. What's the secret behind this?" I inquired, munching on my cereal.

- "Let's just say we found some motivation," Shiro responded, his gaze burning with intensity.

- "Oh really? How so?" I prodded.

- "Last night, just before our intensive session began, Electrific and Nocturn dropped a bombshell. They announced an exercise against them on the second-to-last night, with a tempting prize up for grabs," Ren chimed in, his eyes reflecting the same fervor as Shiro's.

- "That's it? But what's this prize that's got you so hyped?" I pressed further.

- "The chance to join you in the final surprise exercise of the camp instead of enduring more catch-up sessions, and..." Shiro paused, his Adam's apple bobbing as he spoke, as if he were about to reveal the secret to eternal life. "a week-long exemption from chores at the boarding school!"

- "Ah... I see..." I chuckled, realizing I was conversing with two avowed chore-haters who prized freedom above all else.

After breakfast, clad in our hero attire, Electrific and Nocturn beckoned us to the heart of the forest, where the formidable figures from the Pop Rock Agency awaited. Rock Devil stepped forward, his presence commanding attention, and spoke with a rumble in his deep voice.

- "Yo kids! Hope you've fueled up and rested, 'cause now it's time to get down to business. And let me tell ya, you're in for a wild ride. Since you're two classes that are, let's say, friendly competitors, we figured it'd be rad to pair you up interclass-style. Gonna tap into that rivalry and push you to your limits. Enough chit-chat, let's dish out the pairs and lay out the game plan. Ema and Toshio, you're up first. Follow me. The rest of you, ears open. This is gonna give you a taste of what's in store."

With purpose, Rock Devil guided the duo to a secluded spot in the forest, enveloped by towering trees and rugged rock formations

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With purpose, Rock Devil guided the duo to a secluded spot in the forest, enveloped by towering trees and rugged rock formations.

- "Aha, the fire lioness and the ice wolf. Solid combo, right? Toshio, buddy, I hear you're not one to embrace your full transformation, a bit shy, eh? Well, pal, you're gonna have to break outta your shell and crank up the chill factor to counter Ema's fiery onslaught. And you, Ema, you've got those flames under control, which is sweet, but facing off against Toshio in wolf mode means you gotta unleash your inner beast, channel that lioness energy if you wanna come out on top. So, claws out, fangs bared, whatever it takes to prove you're the queen of the jungle. Clear as crystal, you two?"

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