[Season 6] Ep. 6 - Bonds

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Three days had passed—three agonizing days since Joichi had turned me into his personal target practice. With each passing moment, he seemed to revel in perfecting his card-throwing techniques, honing his aim with chilling precision. And let me tell you, he was getting scarily good at it, manipulating those cards even after they left his hand. But hey, I wasn't just standing there like a sitting duck; I'd managed to up my game a bit, deflecting his onslaught solely with my attraction zones since Mr. Nega was still MIA.

As the days wore on, I watched my classmates make steady progress, their skills blossoming with each training session. They'd chat and laugh over shared meals, celebrating their victories and laughing off their setbacks. Meanwhile, there I was, tethered to a tree, playing target for a card-flinging fiend, all the while missing my elusive alter ego. And the worst part? This was supposed to be the point of the whole darn exercise!

- "For crying out loud, Joichi! Can't you give it a rest for, like, five minutes?! I'm losing my mind here!" I finally snapped in the midst of another grueling session.

- "What's the matter, Ken? The mighty hero of Class 1-A can't handle a little pressure without his trusty sidekick Nega? For someone who used to bask in Masako's praise, I expected more from you—especially after the I-Expo," he taunted, a smirk playing on his lips.

- "Ugh! You know it's not that simple, I've told you a thousand times!"

- "And? You think this is a cakewalk for me?" His gaze flickered to his arm, blood oozing from a fresh wound.

It was easy to overlook the fact that Joichi's quirk came with a heavy cost—the more he wielded those cards, the more he bled. His effortless command of his ability often overshadowed this significant drawback.

- "You know deep down, your anger isn't really directed at me, but at your buddy Nega. But I can't summon him for you. So here's a piece of advice: set aside your pride and take this chance to better yourself solo, without relying on him. You know, like regular folks who don't have a sidekick constantly bailing them out." He couldn't resist adding a flourish, launching a card at my arm, which I carelessly failed to deflect.

His words hit home, striking a chord I couldn't ignore. And the realization only fueled my frustration further. "Come on, Nega! Quit acting like a child and join me for training! Help me out instead of sulking!" I bellowed, my voice echoing in the hollow expanse of my mind, my inner sanctum. With each failed attempt to deflect Joichi's cards, each wound I endured, I retreated further into my mindscape, unleashing a torrent of pent-up frustration, directing it all at Nega.

As the exercise neared its end, amidst my relentless complaints, Nega abruptly emerged into the light, seizing control of our body. In an instant, our eyes and hair shifted to a vivid blue hue, a colossal repulsion field radiating from our form, obliterating the tree to which we were bound.

- "SHUT UP!!!" he roared, his voice echoing through the forest, halting everyone's activities.

- "Nega, ease up. What's happening?" Rock Devil intervened, his tone placating, attempting to diffuse the tension.

- "No one summoned you! Just leave me be, all of you!" Nega retorted sharply, hurling a barrage of our metal yoyos, fortified with repulsion zones, launching poor Rock Devil into the air.

However, our trainer was not one to be underestimated, poised to retaliate until Nocturn intervened, blocking his advance with a firm stance and a subtle nod. Seizing the opportunity, Nega bolted into the forest, swiftly pursued by Joichi.

- "Nega! Hold on! Let's talk this out!" Joichi pleaded, his voice urgent.

- "With you?! Ha! All you want is to lash out at us out of sheer envy. What's the matter? Can't handle the fact that the spotlight's not always on you, Mr. Popular from 1-B? Or better yet, jealous that Masako sees something in us that she doesn't in you? Well, let me give you a taste of what she sees!" With a defiant leap, he pivoted to charge at Joichi, his fist pulsating with a potent repulsion field. "Repulsion Punch!"

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