[Season 3] Ep. 8 - Rift

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- "Ah, there you are, you little annoyance. Stronger than I anticipated. But didn't you used to have red hair and eyes?" The Hunter taunted, his gaze flickering with recognition.

- "Like my new look? You'll love my new quirk even more!" Nega retorted with a smirk, activating a repulsion zone beneath our feet, launching us towards the enemy in a swift motion.

Seeking refuge from our assault, The Hunter unleashed a barrage of arrows, swiftly intercepted and obliterated by a salvo from Kazuo's drone. "Got your back!" Kazuo shouted, his voice echoing with determination.

A few strides ahead of the adversary, Nega triggered another repulsion zone, propelling us into the air in a graceful somersault, our legs poised to deliver a powerful hammer kick. "Gemini's Hammer!" Nega exclaimed as we descended upon The Hunter.

But The Hunter, a seasoned combatant, reacted swiftly, activating the security measures of his suit, freezing us in place before delivering a punishing kick to our ribs, sending us hurtling against a wall. With his crossbow aimed at us, The Hunter seemed poised to strike.

In a split second, Kazuo lashed out with a cable from his glove, disarming The Hunter's crossbow with precision. Then, with a burst of solid foam projectiles, he immobilized The Hunter from behind. Momentarily distracted, The Hunter unfolded his shield, shielding himself from the foam but leaving himself momentarily vulnerable.

Seizing the opportunity, Nega surrounded his fist with a powerful repulsion zone. "If I can't touch you, my quirk will! Repulsion Punch!" With a swift motion, Nega launched his fist, propelling The Hunter backward and slamming him against the alley wall.

As Kazuo hurried towards us to assist, and Nega moved in to further subdue The Hunter, the villain rose with evident fury.

- "Now you've really crossed the line, kids! Let's settle this!" The Hunter declared, unsheathing a blade from his right armband, flames erupting from its edge.

- "Nega, no!" Kazuo's voice echoed, urgent and filled with concern, as he used his drone and body as a shield to intercept The Hunter's flaming sword. The blade seared Kazuo's back, leaving a burning wound three centimeters wide.

- "Matrix! You bastard, you'll pay for this!" Nega's fury erupted like a tempest. With a burst of rage, he propelled himself towards The Hunter, unleashing an aerial sidekick reinforced by his quirk.

The impact sent The Hunter flying several meters away. As Nega knelt beside Kazuo to inspect his wound, relief washed over him.

- "Matrix, are you okay?" he inquired, his voice laced with genuine concern.

- "Yeah... But I'm gonna have a hard time getting up, I'm in too much pain..." Kazuo grimaced, grappling with the agony coursing through his body.

- "Don't worry, I'll beat him for you." Nega's determination surged, fueled by the sight of his fallen classmate.

Rising slowly, his anger pulsating, Nega's quirk responded instinctively, crackling with energy as he advanced towards The Hunter. Behind them, Bloody Mary's eerie mask seemed to observe the unfolding battle in the reflection of a nearby building's glass.

- "You dared to hurt Matrix, you'll pay for it!" Nega's voice resonated with a fierce resolve.

- "You insolent brat!" The Hunter's retort was laced with venom, his stance tensing as Nega approached.

As the threat of Nega and his formidable quirk loomed, The Hunter reacted swiftly, unleashing a barrage of explosive darts from his gauntlet in a desperate attempt to neutralize us. Nega's instincts kicked in, prompting him to extend his arms, creating a vast repulsion zone that shielded us from the deadly projectiles. Although the explosion inflicted some damage and pushed Nega back, the fragments of the projectiles grazed our faces, leaving shallow scratches.

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