[Season 1] Ep. 11 - The Unforeseen Confrontation

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After enduring the usual routine of a typical high school day, the dormitory buzzed with excitement, all chatter revolving around one topic: the newly elected class representatives. Amidst the flurry of encouragement, congratulations, and astonishment at Ema's unexpected decline, my mind remained fixated on the impending practical rescue exercise.

Unable to immerse myself in the collective energy, I found solace in solitude, occupying a spot on the couch with my thoughts as my only company. Despite my efforts to distract myself, Nocturn's admonishments echoed relentlessly in my mind, a constant reminder of my shortcomings. I felt foolish, standing apart while others reveled in their abilities or brushed off defeat to enjoy each other's company.

- "Isn't the rep thing on your radar, too?"

Startled from my reverie, I realized Katsuro had joined me, perched in the adjacent chair with his dinner plate.

- "Not particularly..." I replied, reluctant to divulge my inner turmoil to my new classmate I barely know.

- "I get it. Personally, I'm more concerned about tomorrow's exercise. Sounds familiar, huh? Well, let's hope this time around we can make our mark," he remarked, his tone tinged with resignation.

Poor guy had been swiftly dispatched by Masako during the previous practice session and hadn't quite recovered. Turns out, I wasn't the only one grappling with apprehension about these drills.

- "Guess we're in the same boat," I offered as I rose to my feet. "Let's aim to shine brighter this time around."

My words elicited a halfhearted grin from Katsuro as I headed towards the dishes, then retreated to my room, finding solace in a fleeting moment of optimism before drifting off to sleep.

The following day, 8:25 a.m., marked the inaugural meeting led by Manami and Daichi, who outlined the agenda for the day's exercise in Nocturn's absence.

- "Is everyone present? Excellent. As you know, today's agenda features a disaster rescue class with Model R. We'll don our hero costumes and board the bus to the Unforeseen Simulation Joint, where the instructors will brief us on today's scenario," Manami announced, her voice poised and authoritative.

- "Hurry up, folks! We'll be boarding the bus in 10 minutes, so get changed swiftly," Daichi chimed in, brimming with enthusiasm.

Once everyone was suited up, we piled onto the specially chartered bus, chauffeured by a U.A. robot. En route, anticipation crackled through the air, each of us eager to test our mettle in this new heroic endeavor.

- "What's your bet on Model R? I've heard she's a bit of a wild card," whispered Shiro, my seatmate, sparking a flurry of speculation among us.

- "No clue. Model R's an enigma. But I bet this exercise won't be a walk in the park. First year or not, U.A. teachers are all about pushing us to the limit," Kaito remarked, his gaze fixed on the passing scenery outside the window.

- "I'm just wondering why they're taking us somewhere else. Doesn't U.A. have enough training grounds?" Ema voiced her concern, her tone tinged with apprehension.

- "Stop stressing me out with your questions, Ema! You're making my horns pop out!" Masako exclaimed, visibly on edge ever since we set off.

As the bus rolled on in silence, Ren suddenly shot up from his seat, pressing his face against the window like a kid spotting Disneyland for the first time.

- "Whoa! Did you guys see that?! What's with that massive building?!"

The bus pulled up in front of an enormous dome, large enough to house an entire town. We disembarked and followed our class representatives inside, where we were greeted by Model R and Nocturn.

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