[Season 2] Ep. 10 - Kaito's Final Stand!

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As Nega was whisked away to the infirmary on the robot stretcher, his eyes locked with Kenshin's, who had just recovered for his upcoming match. In those fleeting moments, the tension in their gaze exchange was almost tangible.

Placed gently on the bed next to Ema's, Nega's impatience bubbled up as the final showdown approached. Ema, newly awakened, turned to him with a slight smile playing on her lips, revealing her pointed fangs like a lioness ready for battle.

- "Hey, Nega! What's with that expression? You've won, haven't you? Let's celebrate," she chimed.

- "It's not over yet. I still have one fight left, and I intend to win it," he replied, his gaze fixed on the ceiling with a determined air.

- "Oh, what a joyous bore you are... I think I prefer Ken's company to yours," Ema teased.

- "Pff! Spare me. We both know I'm the superior one," Nega shot back.

Just then, Healing Butler entered the room, injecting a dose of seriousness into the atmosphere.

- "Well, children, you certainly keep me busy. You're not holding back at this Festival," he remarked as he attended to Ema's care.

- "Don't lie to yourself, Doc. You'd miss us if we did," Ema retorted with a smirk.

- "Ha! You wish, miss. I wouldn't mind a break from the side effects of my quirk. Running around without a cane and not needing to eat like a horse after every treatment sounds appealing," the doctor joked, albeit somewhat grumpily.

- "Oh, lighten up, Doc. Just trying to brighten your day a bit. You're such a killjoy," Ema teased back.

- "I can be fun when I want to," he retorted, a hint of pride in his voice as he moved on to tend to Nega.

- "Pipe down a bit! The match is starting!" Nega interjected, gesturing towards the television where the next two fighters were entering the arena, accompanied by Light Up's commentary.

- "Here we go! The last match of the semi-finals will determine who will face Ken Sukoku in the final of the Sports Festival—Kenshin Sayakuzu or Kaito Karetsuin! Nocturn, my dear friend, what's your take on this bout?" Light Up announced.

- "A thrilling match ahead. Bone versus muscle—it's going to take some clever tactics for Kaito to come out on top, but given his track record, I have no doubt he's up for the challenge. And Kenshin has proven he's no slouch when it comes to strategy, as long as he doesn't underestimate his opponent," Nocturn replied with anticipation.

- "And so we shall see, my dear fellow, for here they are, ready to face each other."

Nightclaw rose to her feet to officially announce the commencement of the bout, the two fighters already locked in a silent confrontation, their eyes filled with determination.

- "Fighters, are you ready? Fight!"

True to form, Kenshin wasted no time and lunged at his adversary. But Kaito, well-versed in his opponent's tactics, had prepared himself for the onslaught. He anchored his fibulas into the ground through his heels and shielded his face with his ulnas.

Kenshin's punch collided with Kaito's bony barrier, but the latter remained unyielding, retaliating swiftly by ensnaring his opponent within his rib cage, his protruding bones acting as a cage.

- "Iron Maiden!" Kaito declared.

Despite the blood trickling from Kenshin's ribs, he refused to yield. With a surge of energy, he utilized his powerful, air-infused legs to break free from Kaito's grip, leveraging Kaito's torso for support as he staggered back, exacerbating his wounds in the process. Before he could even catch his breath, Kaito was hot on his heels, his ulnas transforming into lethal blades extending from his forearms.

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