[Season 1] Ep. 3 - A New Beginning at U.A.

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After the grueling test, I finally regained consciousness, my body aching and drained, confined to an infirmary bed alongside Masako, who lay asleep beside me. 

The sliding door let out a protesting groan as it swung open, revealing the silhouette of a distinguished gentleman entering the room. With his towering frame, slick back black hair, and brown eyes, it was unmistakably Akihito Bando, better known as Healing Butler, the resident medic of U.A. Clad in a sleek black tuxedo, he exuded an air of calm authority as he settled into the chair beside my bed, crossing his legs with practiced elegance before addressing me.

 Clad in a sleek black tuxedo, he exuded an air of calm authority as he settled into the chair beside my bed, crossing his legs with practiced elegance before addressing me

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- "Well, young man, you've got quite the troublesome quirk there. I've seldom seen such exhaustion after a skirmish. You've certainly made good use of my healing expertise," he remarked with a hint of amusement in his voice. 

My gaze drifted to Masako, guilt weighing heavily on my conscience. 

- "I control my quirk so badly that I put this girl in danger... It's unworthy of a hero...", I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper. 

In response, the nurse offered a reassuring smile.

- "Such self-doubt has no place in the heart of a hero. Your quirk is yours to master, just as it's the U.A. Teachers' Council's task to assess your worthiness. Head home, young man. Let go of your guilt as you await their verdict."

Taking his words to heart, I rose from the bed, stealing one last glance at Masako's serene face before gathering my belongings and heading home. 

Days melted into one another, Ema's and Masami's incessant calls bouncing off the walls of my room like a relentless drumbeat, each ring a stark reminder of the looming verdict. Lost in the pages of my comics, I found solace in the fantastical adventures, yearning to embody the heroic prowess of my beloved characters.

A week slipped by in a blur, until the pivotal day of reckoning arrived with little warning. Mid-morning found me alone at home, clad in my jogging clothes, the weight of anticipation heavy in the air. The doorbell's chime shattered the stillness, prompting me to approach with cautious trepidation, fearing the worst. 

Swinging open the door, I braced myself for disappointment, only to be greeted by the familiar faces of Masami, Ema, and Masako, each clutching a letter from U.A. in hand. Ema thrust the envelope into my grasp. 

- "Here's your letter from U.A. Since you've been ghosting us, we decided to pay you a visit. And on the way, we bumped into this girl who seems to have something to tell you."

I accepted the letter, feeling a flush of embarrassment as Masako stepped forward, her demeanor bashful, making me acutely aware of my disheveled appearance. 

- "Listen... I know you've been beating yourself up over what went down during the exam... But you need to know, if I ended up in the infirmary, it wasn't your fault. You shielded me from the debris. It was my own reckless use of my quirk that landed me there, not you."

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