[Season 6] Ep. 1 - Solitude

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As Healing Butler delved into Nega's mysterious absence, every avenue of inquiry hit a dead end. And there I stood, grappling with an unexpected solitude that hadn't haunted me since I was a mere eight years old. The trek back to the boarding school felt like trudging through thick fog, my mind swirling with unanswered questions. The night draped its cloak over the surroundings, but my thoughts were nowhere near the upcoming Training Camp. Lost in my musings, I pushed open the heavy door of the building, only to collide with a fellow classmate.

- "Whoa, sorry about that collision! But hey... Ken? Glad to see you," Masako exclaimed, stepping forward, with Ema close behind her. "We were just heading to check on you at the infirmary with Ema. How are you feeling?"

- "Hey, Masako. I'm okay, just a bit... drained. Apologies for the bump and the worry, but Healing Butler worked some magic on me. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to head upstairs, pack for camp, and crash," I replied, rubbing my temples.

- "Ah... got it. Well, take care and get some rest!" Masako said, her concern evident.

- "Thanks, Masako. Catch you later," I said, offering a small wave before heading upstairs.

As I made my way towards the stairs leading to the dorm rooms, Ema's grip tightened around my wrist, her eyes filled with concern.

- "Ken, I can read you like a book. There's something you're not telling me, and it's written all over your face. Are you absolutely sure you're okay?" Ema's voice was laced with worry.

Avoiding her penetrating gaze, I felt a lump form in my throat, making it difficult to respond.

- "I promise, I'll fill you in tomorrow. Right now, I just need some space to sort things out," I managed to mumble, grateful for her understanding as she released my wrist, allowing me to ascend the stairs to my room.

- "It's unsettling to see him like this... It's got me worried," Ema confided in Masako as they watched me retreat.

- "Same here, Ema... He looked so distant, like a part of him was just... gone," Masako replied, her voice tinged with concern.

- "Yeah... I'm afraid you're right, Masako," Ema murmured, her worry palpable in the dimly lit hallway.

As I made my way down the second-floor hallway toward my room, a prickling sensation crept over me, as though unseen floating eyeballs were tracking my every move. It didn't take long to realize it was Ren, peeking out from his room next to mine, keeping a covert watch.

- "Got eyes on the target, guys. Hmm, he seems a bit off," Ren remarked to Kaito and Shiro, who were huddled nearby.

- "Well, he did just come back from those intense fights at the I-Expo. I warned you this might not end well," Kaito chimed in, his tone tinged with concern.

- "What's the matter, Kaito? If he's feeling down, it's even more reason for us to step up! Especially after hearing what Masako, Kazuo, and Katsuro said at dinner about his final fight. They were seriously worried," Shiro interjected, his enthusiasm palpable.

- "Shiro's got a point, Kaito. Operation Cheer-Up-Ken is a go! Let's make our floor-bro smile again!" Ren declared, already bounding towards my door, with Shiro hot on his heels. Kaito paused for a moment, taking a deep breath, wondering how he'd been roped into the antics of these two.

As I settled onto my bed, ready to retreat into my own thoughts, a relentless pounding echoed through the room. It was unmistakably the sound of my three classmates demanding entry. With a resigned sigh, I realized they wouldn't give up until I relented. So, lacking the energy to resist, I reluctantly opened the door.

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