[Season 2] Ep. 9 - The Final Showdown Looms!

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In the infirmary, the robots glided in, gently laying Shiro and Kaito on beds adjacent to ours, while Healing Butler strode in with his usual serious demeanor. He first checked on Masako's condition:

- "Looks like you're all healed up, young lady. You're free to join your classmates in the bleachers, but take it easy for the next few days."

- "Thank you, sir, for your care," Masako responded respectfully, rising from her bed, smoothing the sheets, and flashing a wave and smile before slipping out of the infirmary.

Healing Butler wheeled his chair over to our bedside, adjusting his glasses before examining us.

- "So, Mr. Nega, you managed to stay in control this time? Quite intriguing. How are you feeling physically?"

- "Honestly, I woke up feeling awful, but it seems to have passed. Didn't realize I took so many hits..."

- "Your wounds should have healed by now. Perhaps the psychological impact of assuming control for the first time after being injured slowed the process. If you're feeling better, there's no need for you to remain here."

Nega nodded, and as the head nurse tended to Shiro and Kaito, he rose from his bed, neatly arranging the linens, and addressed Healing Butler:

- "Hey... Could you pass a message to them when they wake up?"

- "Of course. From Ken or you?"

- "From me. Tell them their fight entertained me, and I'm looking forward to facing them at full strength."

- "Consider it done. Enjoy the next match, rest up, and you'll be fit for your own."

- "Yeah, I'll do that," Nega replied, closing the door behind him.

As we made our way to the bleachers, all eyes were on Nega, unaccustomed to seeing him outside of chaotic combat scenarios. Just as Nega was about to unleash one of his cutting remarks, Masako gestured for him to join her. Taking the invitation, Nega settled beside her, just above Manami, Daichi, and Ren.

- "Excited for Ema's match against Kenshin?" Masako asked, hoping to shift the conversation away from the tension.

- "Personally, I'd rather be the one in that ring, giving him a good thrashing at full strength. But then again, I'd love to see her put him in his place, just to bruise his ego a bit," Nega remarked, his tone tinged with a hint of aggression that caught Manami's attention, who could no longer contain herself.

- "Why do you have to resort to violence all the time, especially against him? Can't you be a bit more like Ken?" The criticism hit Nega head-on. Without my influence to temper his response, who knew how he'd react. He clenched his teeth before replying with icy resolve.

- "'Cause I can't stand those jerks who think they're untouchable, who stomp on others like they're nothing. You wanna know why? Because those are the same jerks who tormented me when Ken couldn't protect himself. So yeah, maybe I'm rougher than Ken, and maybe it rubs you the wrong way, but I don't give a damn. I am who I am, and I won't apologize for it. If you can't handle that, then don't bother talking to me when I'm calling the shots." Nobody dared to respond, finally realizing who Nega truly was and what he'd been through.

Thankfully, Light Up's voice shattered the tense silence, heralding the start of the match:

- "Here we go, folks, the final match of the quarter-finals! Facing off are two Class 1-A students, Ema Yorokobi and Kenshin Sayakuzu! Nocturn, as the headteacher of these two, what insights can you offer about this showdown?"

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