[Season 2] Ep. 7 - Confronting Inner Demons

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As the crowd dispersed from the bleachers to enjoy the break, I found myself intercepted by Nocturn and Ultra Bright, their expressions a mix of concern and determination as they awaited me at the exit.

- "Ken, we need to have a serious discussion about your recent behavior," Ultra Bright's voice was gentle but firm, his eyes searching mine for understanding.

Shame washed over me like a tidal wave, and I hung my head, nervously chewing the inside of my lip before responding in a quiet voice

- "I'm sorry, Ultra Bright-sensei, and Nocturn-sensei... I... I don't know what came over me. When I saw Masako injured on the ground because of Kenshin, I couldn't control my anger. It was like Nega's rage amplified mine, and I lost control... I promise it won't happen again."

Nocturn's words hit me like a ton of bricks, his scrutiny unwavering:

- "Can you guarantee that, Ken? This isn't the first time your emotions have disrupted your quirk, leading to dangerous outbursts, particularly towards Kenshin. What happens if you confront him? Will you try to take his life?"

- "Nocturn, ease up. He's just a kid," Ultra Bright intervened, his tone softer but no less firm.

- "No, he's right. I... I don't know how to control this aspect of myself..."

- "Don't underestimate yourself, Ken. Remember the beginning of the Festival. You've managed to harness him before. What was different then?"

A spark of realization ignited within me. Of course, I'd been able to control him before. Why not now?

- "Well, it's hard to explain... I sort of... communicated with Nega, negotiated with him to align our goals and motivate him to cooperate without causing chaos. But it's not like I can reason with him all the time. Nega has his own will, his own desires, and he only surfaces when it suits him, even if I can sometimes exert some influence."

Ultra Bright's comforting hand rested on my shoulder, his gaze filled with compassion as he spoke:

- "Ken, you need to stop viewing Nega as a malevolent force that plagues you. He's a part of you, and you must accept him as such. Otherwise, this conflict will only escalate. You must accept yourself, for Nega isn't just a facet of your quirk; he's a person within you who deserves recognition and understanding. It's up to you to make peace with him for your own well-being."

His words resonated deeply within me, shattering the misconceptions I'd harbored about Nega. He wasn't a demon tormenting me; he was a protector, shielding me from harm in his own way. How had I failed to see this before? Nega was as much a part of me as anyone else, and he deserved acknowledgment and respect. But how could I reconcile with him after treating him like an adversary for so long?

Nocturn's deep, almost cavernous voice pulled me from my introspection:

- "I have a proposition for you, Ken. Why don't you let Nega take over for the next few fights? Show him that you trust him, and he'll likely relinquish control back to you. What do you say?"

- "I... I think you're right. I should try to see him as more than just a force of chaos. He's doing what he does to protect me, even if it's in an extreme way. Maybe if I had treated him differently from the start..." My voice trailed off, filled with realization.

Ultra Bright beamed with pride, his friendly face glowing even brighter:

- "You're on the right path, Ken! Have faith in yourself and in Nega." He gave my shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "Take some time to rest and think it over. It'll do you good."

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