[Season 3] Ep. 7 - Confrontation

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A few minutes before the explosion rocked the lower floors, Kazuo, Brain'On'Wheels, and Manami sat huddled around a table in the break room, their anticipation palpable. Manami's gaze was fixed on her laptop screen, while Kazuo's restless glances darted repeatedly towards the elevator.

- "You seem on edge, Matrix. What's on your mind?" Brain'On'Wheels inquired, his tone gentle but probing.

- "Nothing, sensei. I'm just eager to see the upgrades my father made to our equipment. And, well, I can't help but feel a tad anxious about handing over my drone to him. I mean, he's my dad, but that drone represents all my hard work since I joined U.A., so I'm a bit nervous about what he's done with it..." Kazuo confessed, his words tinged with apprehension.

- "You definitely inherited your father's dedication. His commitment to his work and inventions has been instrumental in the company's success with heroes. You should take comfort in knowing that such a dedicated man is enhancing your drone," Brain'On'Wheels reassured him, his wisdom soothing.

- "Yes, you must be right sir..."

- "Yeah, he's also freaking out because Ken's having a heart-to-heart with his old man," Manami chimed in casually, finally tearing her eyes away from her phone.

- "W-what? No way! My dad's cool, I'm sure Ken will think so too!" Kazuo protested, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

- "Sure, sure. So you're just a bit anxious about meeting your buddy's mentor? I heard the guy's pretty intense, though," Manami teased, her tone laced with mischief.

- "What's it to you? You haven't said a word since we got here, except to poke fun at me. That's all you ever do!" Kazuo retorted, his irritation bubbling up, just as a deafening explosion ripped through the lower floors, sending shockwaves through the building and triggering the safety lock.

- "What in the world...?" Manami's flippant demeanor vanished, replaced by a grave seriousness as she stashed her phone away and lowered the visor of her costume, poised for action.

?" Manami's flippant demeanor vanished, replaced by a grave seriousness as she stashed her phone away and lowered the visor of her costume, poised for action

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Wheeling himself forward, Brain'On'Wheels scrutinized the fire door, his keen mind already at work. Searching the room for a computer terminal, he found none that could interface with the door.

 Searching the room for a computer terminal, he found none that could interface with the door

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