[Season 1] Ep. 2 - Entrance Exam: Unleashing Powers

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Here we are at last! U.A. High School, the greatest superhero school in the world! We felt so small in front of such a gigantic glass building U-shaped, preceded by a long inner courtyard delimited by large arches in grey and blue stones, leading to 3 gigantic doors numbered from 1 to 3 and separated by columns in a style reminiscent of the pantheon of Ancient Greece. 

In addition to the building's imposing architecture, the sunlight reflecting off the glass façade and the sound of students bustling about added life to this unreal place. You could almost smell the excitement in the air.

As we stood in front of the majestic school building, my hands grew clammy with anticipation, while my heart pounded in my chest. I could feel my stomach knotting, a wave of excitement mixed with anxiety washing over me. Beside me, Masami seemed just as nervous, but his resolute smile betrayed a certain excitement. 

There we were, all 3 of us, ready to become real heroes and, clutching our bags and taking a deep breath of courage, we walked into this courtyard where great heroes like Ultra Bright must have passed before us.

Once through the gigantic doors, we found ourselves in the reception area of the building where, after having given our administrative papers, we were given a seat number to go to the amphitheater where we would be presented with the examination rules. 

As I separated myself from Masami and Ema to get to my seat towards the center of the 4th tier, I couldn't help looking at all the candidates for the exam. 

Amidst the sea of faces, each one as unique as the next, the realization of U.A.'s limited spots weighed heavy on my mind. The pressure bore down on my shoulders, my nerves threatening to overwhelm me. I couldn't sit still, my leg bouncing with restless energy as I anxiously bit my nails, my gaze fixed on the imposing stage before us.

Suddenly, a voice, soft and melodious, cut through the tension like a beacon of light in the darkness.

- "It's really impressive to see so many people here ... I really hope I can pass the exam despite all these people... Don't you find this waiting stressful?". The words, spoken with a gentle sincerity, offered a moment of respite from the mounting stress.

I turned slowly towards the source of the gentle voice that interrupted my thoughts. Before me stood a striking young woman, her blue eyes gleaming with a hint of uncertainty, framed by locks of azure hair cascading gracefully around her shoulders. Despite the ethereal beauty of her features, it was the distinctive ram's horns protruding from her head that truly captured my attention, adding an air of mystique to her already enchanting presence. Caught off guard by her unexpected approach, I found myself momentarily speechless, prompting a faint blush to color her cheeks as she offered a shy smile. 

- "Oops sorry, I...I didn't want to disturb you in your thoughts" she murmured, her tone tinged with embarrassment.

- "No! No! It's not that, it's just that..." I hurriedly reassured her, eager to dispel any discomfort. But before I could elaborate, a brash interruption shattered the moment.

- "Shut up! Be quiet! It's about to start!" snapped a young blond man from the bench below, his green eyes flashing with impatience. With a sigh, he brought our exchange to an abrupt end, leaving me to ponder the encounter as the lights dimmed and the presenter's voice echoed through the hall.

- "Yo, youngsters! You all amped up to go beyond? Plus Ultra!" The booming voice filled the room, accompanied by giant green letters spelling out "Plus Ultra" that looked like they were popping right out of his glasses. That's when the bleacher spotlights came on and I recognized the pro hero, Light Up. This flashy, dashing, and charismatic hero was, according to the school flyer, the English teacher from U.A.

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