[Season 5] Ep. 2 - Reunion

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As we stepped into the I-Island Academy's Grand Refectory, it felt like entering a futuristic auditorium, where food magically appeared on our tables after ordering, adding to the novelty of this extraordinary school. Before us, a stage reminiscent of the Entrance Exam Ceremony loomed large, adorned with a colossal screen where students from all grades showcased their diverse inventions.

- "Your school is incredible, Ryouji! You must be in your element here," I remarked, taking in the futuristic surroundings.

- "You have no idea, Ken! For a tech enthusiast like me, this place is like a dream come true!" Ryouji exclaimed with fervor.

- "It's surprising, though, Kazuo, that you didn't choose this school. With your quirk and your passion for robotics, you could have excelled here," Mari interjected, curiosity piqued.

- "It might seem strange, Mari, especially given my interests, but... I've always felt drawn to the frontline. Sure, I enjoy tinkering with robots and gadgets, but there's something about being out there, directly impacting lives, that speaks to me," Kazuo explained, revealing a side not often seen.

- "And big brother attended this school too, up until high school. But I bet if he's aiming to be a Pro Hero, it's to carve his own path, alongside Dad, but on his terms," Ryouji chimed in, offering insight into Kazuo's motivations.

Observing Kazuo's discomfort following his brother's comment, I attempted to steer the conversation in a lighter direction.

- "So, Ryouji, what's your vision for the future?" I inquired, hoping to shift the focus.

- "I aspire to use my quirk and talents to craft the most advanced robots, ones that can safeguard innocent lives, ensuring Heroes won't need to risk themselves for us anymore!" Ryouji declared with unwavering determination.

- "Quite the ambitious goal, Ryouji! But I'm curious, what exactly does your quirk do?" Ema inquired, her interest piqued.

With a proud grin, the young boy straightened up and exclaimed:

- "I possess the Computer Brain quirk! It grants me the cognitive prowess of a computer when I concentrate."

- "Wow! With that power, you could become the new Brain-on-Wheels as you grow older!" I remarked, impressed by his potential.

- "Well, what my dear brother neglected to mention is that he can only maintain it for a few minutes before needing hours of rest..." Kazuo interjected, with a playful smirk.

- "Hey, big brother! Don't spoil the fun by revealing my weakness!" Ryouji protested, feigning indignation.

As we wrapped up our meal, buoyed by the lively atmosphere and the showcase of inventions from the students, we set our sights on the residential area, where the bulk of the entertainment awaited us.

Navigating through the bustling grounds, my attention was seized by a familiar figure with distinctive horns, accompanied by two others who sparked recognition. Temporarily breaking away from my companions, I approached the horned individual, feeling a twinge of awkwardness at the interruption.

- "Masako? Is that really you?" I called out as the girl with azure hair, adorned with her signature horns, turned towards me, a hint of surprise flashing across her features.

- "Ken?! Hey! I'm so glad to see you! I was hoping to bump into you guys," Masako exclaimed with genuine delight.

- "Kazuo, Ema, and Mari are nearby. Ryouji, Kazuo's brother, has been our guide. But what brings you here? I had no idea you had tickets," I inquired, curiosity piqued.

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