[Season 2] Ep. 5 - Battling Through Adversity!

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While I was lost in thought, perched on the bleachers of the stadium, Light Up's voice boomed through the speakers, announcing the arrival of the contenders for the third match:

- "In the third round of the One-on-One Fighting Tournament, we have two competitors with mutation quirks entering the ring: Daichi Yona, representing Class 1-A with his draconic abilities, facing off against Henko Gekido, the keen-bloodhound from Class 1-B."

As the competitors squared off on the battlefield, Daichi exuded determination, while young Henko appeared a bit apprehensive, nervously chewing on his paw, ears flattened and amber eyes cast downward, hidden behind his long lock of black and blue hair.

Before Nightclaw could signal the start, the young man with grey and black fur adopted a fighting stance.

- "Competitors, are you ready?! Let the battle begin!"

At the signal, the two students charged towards each other, Daichi propelled by his wings and Henko sprinting on all fours, his claws poised for action.

Employing his wings, Daichi launched into the air with Henko in tow, gripping him tightly before executing a swift forward spin, whipping him violently with his scaled tail.

- "Draconian Air Whip!"

Henko hurtled towards the ground, barely managing to twist midair before landing, using his legs to absorb the impact before swiftly retreating from Daichi's landing spot.

Without hesitation, Henko leaped back into action, springing at Daichi's back with all claws outstretched, latching onto his wings and ribs before sinking his canines into his opponent's scaly neck, eliciting a pained cry.

Daichi attempted to dislodge him, clawing at Henko's fur in a bid to ease the pain.

- "Get off me!" he grunted.

But Henko held on stubbornly. Desperate to break free, Daichi's hand brushed against an unexpected obstacle.

- "B-breasts...?" Daichi's confusion was evident.

Indeed, Daichi was taken aback, realizing Henko was assigned female at birth, a fact known only to a select few in Class 1-B, with Henko confidently embracing his true self.

Henko capitalized on the surprise to slash the patagium of Daichi's wings, hindering his ability to fly properly, then delivered a forceful kick to Daichi's belly, knocking the wind out of him.

Rebounding from the blow, Henko swiftly closed the distance, transitioning onto his two legs before executing a fluid pivot, delivering a powerful sideways kick to Daichi's head, seizing it in a hold before driving him to the ground with a forceful stomp.

- "Canine Style: Side Whip Kick!"

The impact jolted Daichi back to awareness, refusing to yield, he spun on the ground, striking Henko's legs with his tail and delivering a retaliatory kick to his stomach, sending him tumbling backward.

Taking advantage of Henko's momentary vulnerability, Daichi lunged forward in a somersault, slamming his tail viciously into Henko's abdomen, forcing the air from his lungs, then seized him by the wrists, Henko too injured to resist.

- "Apologies for catching you off guard earlier. You fought admirably," Daichi acknowledged with genuine respect before executing a final spin, propelling Henko off the platform.

As Nightclaw announced Daichi's victory, cheers erupted from the crowd.

- "Daichi's really come a long way since the Battle Trial," Kaito remarked, nodding in approval.

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