[Season 3] Ep. 5 - Internship Chronicles

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Waking up several times throughout the night due to my throbbing shoulder, after four challenging bouts of wakefulness, sleep eluded me. Like any typical teenager, I instinctively reached for my phone, its bluish light searing my tired eyes as if I had stared down the sun itself. Navigating mechanically to the U.A. internal chat app, I tapped into the class group, hoping for some juicy tidbits about my classmates' internships.

Jackpot! Judging by the plethora of unread messages in the class chat, it seemed my hopes were about to be fulfilled. The unread messages started pouring in around 7:00 p.m., and with it being 4:00 a.m., I had some catching up to do. Scrolling back up the thread, I began to read:

- "Manami A.: Hey! How was the first day of your internship?"

- "Masako S.: Hi Manami! Surprisingly, mine went well. I have to admit, Shockwave scared the living daylights out of me when I first laid eyes on him. That whole muscular, square-faced, frozen expression thing? Major creep factor. But turns out, he's actually really nice and sweet. He's helping me learn to harness my angry form by sparring with his assistants as my teammates. And since his body can handle the shocks, he always manages to protect them if I mess up. No success yet, but it's early days. How about you and Mari? How's Floaty treating you?"

- "Manami A.: That's awesome! As for me, she's been super nice. A bit quirky, but it adds to her charm, I guess."

- "Mari M.: Yeah, she's friendly, but her quirkiness threw me for a loop. Like, this morning, she took us on a forest patrol, and out of nowhere, she uses her quirk on Manami and me, trapping us in bubbles. Then she tells us to use our quirks to find our way out of the forest before we float off into the unknown, and just like that, she's gone, laughing."

- "Manami A.: I was terrified at first, but we managed! I used my wires to tether us together, and Mari's quirk helped us float in the right direction while dodging trees. We made it out in an hour and a half."

- "Ren D.: Sounds weird, but at least you're getting some hero action. My day's been less heroic. The Crusader's a great hero and all, but he's got this whole divine knight complex going on. Chichi and I are just glorified spotlights on his patrols, where he struts around like he's the hero of the century. At least I get to ogle a hot girl during my internship."

- "Kenichi M.: My dear Ren, what a lamentable circumstance indeed. One would have expected a hero of such eminence to approach his internship duties with far greater gravitas. Fortunately, I had the foresight to select Octy as my mentor. While he may not occupy the upper echelons of heroism, he conducts himself with the utmost propriety, treating us with deference and maintaining an air of simplicity in his methods."

- "Yuka J.: Kenichi... Let's not kid ourselves. Octy can't stop teasing you for being a snob. He spent an hour tickling you with his tentacles to 'loosen you up' before doing the same to me and laughing it up with his buddies..."

- "Shiro F.: AHAHAH! I wish I could've seen that! Yuka, you should've snapped a pic for us. Octy sounds like a riot! Personally, I'm loving my internship at Pop Rock agency. They welcomed Okiatsu and me with a concert, can you believe it? A CONCERT! It's been insane! They're giving me these special singing lessons, more like metal screaming, to amp up my quirk while Okiatsu's rocking guitar lessons. The boy's got some serious talent, even if he's a bit reserved."

- "Kaito K.: You? Sing? That I'd pay to see."

- "Shiro F.: Ah ah, very funny. But it's not just singing, it's more like unleashing hell in metal form. And what about your internship?"

- "Kaito K.: Tough, to be honest. Our daily grind: Ishin and I go head-to-head with our quirks twice a day, before and after patrol, and then the winner goes up against Magma himself with some kind of handicap (arm tied, blindfolded, you name it). So far, neither of us could even touch him..."

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