[Season 6] Ep. 2 - Training Camp Begins Now!

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After what felt like an eternity on the road to Training Camp, I finally summoned the courage to open up about the events of the I-Expo—Nega's sudden "disappearance" and the swirling fears surrounding our merged quirk. As the words spilled out, a heavy silence descended, each second stretching into an awkward eternity. Even my closest friends seemed at a loss for words, their eyes darting between each other in uncertainty.

Then, mercifully, Ema shattered the oppressive quiet.

- "I knew you were keeping something from us. And let me be clear: none of us are afraid of you or your quirk's potential. We're here at U.A. to learn how to navigate exactly these kinds of challenges, and our teachers will undoubtedly have the expertise to guide you through it. As for Nega's disappearance... well, that's a whole other story," she declared, her voice cutting through the tension with unwavering resolve.

The knowing glances exchanged between Ren, Kaito, and Shiro spoke volumes, and Ichi wasn't about to let it slide.

- "Come on, spill the beans. You guys knew something was up from the get-go. Your poker faces ain't fooling anyone," he prodded, his tone teasing yet insistent.

Shiro and Ren squirmed, clearly uncomfortable with the weight of the revelation. It was Kaito, ever the brave one, who stepped up to break the silence.

- "Yeah, he spilled the beans last night. But let me tell you, it took some serious coaxing to get him to spill. We noticed something was off when Masako, Katsuro, and Kazuo returned from I-Island. They were worried sick about him, and that raised some red flags. But we never imagined..." Kaito trailed off, the gravity of the situation sinking in.

- "And Nega was just starting to find his place in the class..." Daichi added, his tone tinged with regret.

- "Finding his place might be a stretch, but yeah, it's weird to think we barely scratched the surface with him," Manami chimed in, her thoughts mirroring Daichi's sentiment.

- "Well, good riddance if you ask me. He was a ticking time bomb, a danger to us all," Kenshin interjected, his disdain palpable.

- "While I typically concur with your sentiments, Kenshin, I must respectfully disagree on this occasion. After all, we're discussing a fragment of Ken's essence," Kenichi countered, endeavoring to alleviate the tension with finesse.

- "Let it go, Kenichi. Kenshin's always been like this," I interjected, masking my frustration.

- "Regardless, I have faith in you, Ken. Even without Nega, you'll do just fine," Masako chimed in, offering a much-needed dose of encouragement.

- "I second that! You were a huge help to me during the First Term Practical Exam," Yuka added, nodding in agreement with Masako's sentiment.

- "Ha! In your dreams! Without Nega, Ken's just a nobody. He wouldn't have even made it into U.A., let alone lasted this long. Mark my words, by the end of this camp, he'll either quit or get booted for his incompetence," Kenshin jeered, his arrogance on full display.

- "Watch it, Kenshin, or else..." Ema began, her warning cut short as the bus lurched to a halt, Electrific-sensei turning toward us from the driver's seat.

- "End of the line! We've arrived!" he announced, putting an abrupt end to the tense exchange.

Excitement crackled in the air as we approached the fabled Training Camp that would be our home for the next week. Eager and restless, each of us pressed our faces against the bus windows, hungry to catch a glimpse of the landscape that awaited us. But what greeted our eyes was beyond anything we could have imagined—a gaping ravine sprawled out before us.

♊︎ 𝘔𝘺 𝘏𝘦𝘳𝘰 𝘈𝘤𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘮𝘪𝘢 - 𝘎𝘦𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘪'𝘴 𝘚𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘺 [𝘈𝘜] ♊︎Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu