[Season 3] Ep. 3 - Trial by Fire

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Our 48 hours of reflection flew by at breakneck speed, each of us eager to divulge our chosen destinations to our instructor. As the final bell rang and our decisions were unveiled, Nocturn and Electrific swiftly compiled a roster of internships for the fledgling heroes of the first-year class, prominently displayed outside our classroom the following day, with those opting for the communal options listed separately.

 As the final bell rang and our decisions were unveiled, Nocturn and Electrific swiftly compiled a roster of internships for the fledgling heroes of the first-year class, prominently displayed outside our classroom the following day, with those op...

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A throng of students congregated before the freshly pinned lists, a cacophony of admiration and envy rippling through the crowd as each placement was scrutinized. While my peers pored over their options with fervor, I found myself merely glancing at the roster, my stomach tied in knots at the prospect of meeting Ultra Bright's illustrious mentor.

Back in the dormitory, the air buzzed with frenetic energy as everyone prepared for their impending internships, many of which lay beyond the bounds of Tokyo. Amidst the flurry of activity, I found myself grappling with my unruly suitcase, its contents stubbornly refusing to cooperate. A timid knock interrupted my struggle.

- "Come in," I called out, welcoming the interruption.

- "Sorry to disturb you, Ken. I was just wondering how things were progressing with your internship," Masako inquired, her bashfulness evident as she hovered in the doorway.

- "It's alright. Feeling a bit nervous about meeting such a legendary hero, but otherwise, I'm hanging in there. And this blasted suitcase isn't helping matters," I replied, attempting to cram my belongings into the obstinate luggage.

- "Let me have a look," Masako offered, stepping forward to inspect the chaos. "No wonder you're having trouble! Everything's in disarray! Typical... Let me show you how it's done, and remember, I won't always be around to bail you out of trouble," she teased, a hint of pride gleaming in her eyes as she set to work organizing my belongings with practiced efficiency, offering me a reassuring smile.

As the last zipper on my suitcase clicked shut, we whiled away the night discussing our internships, swapping tales of anticipation and recounting Festival memories. The camaraderie of our conversation proved to be a soothing balm for our frayed nerves.

The following day, as I awaited my train to Osaka amidst a sea of bustling commuters, I found myself joined by Kazuo and Manami Hikite from Class 1-B, fellow travelers bound for the Brain'On'Wheels agency.

- "Hey, Ken! You're headed to your internship in Osaka too?" Kazuo chimed in, breaking the morning quiet.

- "Hey there. Yeah, The Ray's agency is nestled in Nabari, so it's a shinkansen ride to Nagoya and then a switch. Nice to have some company for part of the journey. How are you feeling about your internship?" I replied, welcoming the chance for conversation.

- "Feeling the pressure, honestly. It's our first real foray into hero work with pros we've never met. Plus, Brain'On'Wheels is quite the formidable figure; his intellect has propelled him despite his physical limitations," Kazuo admitted, his admiration evident.

- "Mm-hmm. Personally, I'm not expecting much from this internship. Probably just going to end up fetching coffee and whatnot. No need to get our hopes up," Manami interjected, her tone pragmatic and grounded.

Throughout the shinkansen ride, Kazuo regaled us with tales of Brain'On'Wheels' exploits, buoying our spirits with his prideful anecdotes. Meanwhile, Manami remained mostly silent, her gaze lost in the passing scenery. Despite sharing a namesake with our class representative, their personalities couldn't be more different.

Parting ways with my companions in Nagoya, the weight of solitude settled upon me as I neared Nabari, the anticipation of what lay ahead looming large.

Navigating the quaint countryside of Nabari, I eventually arrived at the imposing building that housed my mentor. Its angular stone façade, reminiscent of a dojo, bore the telltale signs of an Ultra Bright agency: a towering, rusted globe adorned with the fading letters spelling "Ultra Agency".

With a gulp, I mustered my courage, silencing my nerves as I rapped on the door.

- "Hello? Mr. The Ray? Ken Sukoku, the U.A. intern," I called out, my voice echoing in the stillness.

Silence greeted me in return. 

As I took a step back, seeking any sign of life, a searing blast of crimson heat seared through my shoulder, wrenching a pained cry from my lips.

Emerging from the rooftop, my attacker made a striking figure: white hair shaved close at the sides, a green toga-style cape billowing behind him, layered over a sleek black suit with crimson accents. His scarred left eye and the X-shaped emblem emblazoned on his chest left no doubt—it was The Ray.

- "You'd better learn to defend yourself next time! A true hero is always prepared, kid!" he barked, his voice carrying the weight of experience

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- "You'd better learn to defend yourself next time! A true hero is always prepared, kid!" he barked, his voice carrying the weight of experience.

Before I could even react, he darted forward with lightning speed, launching another attack. But with reflexes honed by Nega's control, my hair and eyes crackled with electric blue energy as Nega erected a powerful repulsion field, deflecting his assault just enough to evade harm.

In a surge of fury, Nega seized control, imbuing my fist with a pulsating repulsion force as I lunged towards The Ray.

- "You're in for it now, old man!" Nega snarled, his resolve firm.

With a sly grin, The Ray deftly sidestepped, thrusting his fingers into our injury left by his previous attack and using the momentum to slam us to the ground. With practiced ease, he pinned us down, immobilizing our movements.

- "Is this the best my disciple can produce? Ha! You arrogant youngsters! In this internship, I'll push you beyond your limits, test your mettle until you're on the brink of collapse. But mark my words—once this trial is over, you'll emerge as true heroes of steel. So, are you ready, kid?" he challenged, his tone unwavering.

Summoning the full force of Nega, we formed a potent repulsion field, propelling The Ray backward and lifting ourselves upright. With a resolute smile, we faced the hero kneeling before us.

- "When do we start?"

Important warning: If you read this fanfiction on any other website than Wattpad, please report its so-called "author" as it is plagiarism. You can find my original work here: https://www.wattpad.com/story/211417898-my-hero-academia-au-gemini%27s-story

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