[Season 1] Ep. 4 - Unleashing Quirks

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Nocturn-sensei ushered us outside the school building, leading the way to a small gravel sports field adjacent to the gym, where we were to undergo our teacher's test. We changed into U.A. sportswear, donning blue jogging suits adorned with the school's emblem in white and red—a uniform symbolizing our journey into heroism. Lined up before our instructor, who exuded an aura of authority akin to a seasoned sergeant, we awaited his instructions with bated breath.

- "Now that you're all geared up, let's delve into today's exercise," Nocturn-sensei began, his voice commanding attention. "As you're aware, U.A. High School has fostered some of the world's greatest heroes, with aspirations to produce the next Ultra Bright. It's my duty as your teacher to cultivate that potential within each of you. However, with the influx of applicants, accurately assessing your capabilities becomes increasingly challenging. Hence, I've devised this exercise to weed out the least competent among you."

Weed out? Like...eliminate?! The thought reverberated through the air, sending shockwaves through our ranks. The gravity of his announcement rendered us momentarily speechless, our minds reeling at the prospect of expulsion on our first day. My palms grew clammy, sweat trickling down my forehead as Nocturn-sensei outlined the precise parameters of the trial that would determine our academic fate.

- "In middle school, you underwent a physical fitness test without using your quirks, including assessments such as the 50-meter dash, Grip Strength Test, Standing Long Jump, Sustained Sideways Jump, and Pitch. This time, however, it's a tad different. You must select one of these tests and surpass your middle school results by at least threefold, utilizing your quirks," he explained before pulling out his digital tablet to take attendance. "Kenshin Sayakuzu. Please step forward."

The same individual who had exhibited arrogance moments ago now appeared visibly rattled under the weight of scrutiny. Whether it was the influence of Nega or simply my disdain for his conceit, I couldn't help but smirk at his discomfiture.

- "Which trial do you choose?" Nocturn-sensei inquired, his voice resonating with authority.

- "The Pitch, sir," came the response, albeit with a hint of unease betraying his attempt at composure.

- "Very well. Whenever you're ready," Nocturn-sensei declared, his tone brooking no hesitation.

Kenshin strode confidently toward the sports caddy brimming with balls, his muscular frame exuding strength and determination. With a swift motion, he selected a ball and positioned himself at the center of the field, commanding the attention of the entire class. Inhaling deeply, he flexed his muscles, channeling the power of his quirk, Inflated Muscles. With a forceful throw, he propelled the ball with incredible velocity, sending it soaring through the air for miles. As the ball disappeared into the distance, Kenshin rejoined the line, a smug smirk playing on his lips, eliciting a mix of awe and irritation from his peers. 

Next up was Daichi Yona, a striking figure with brown hair, black wings, and scales adorning his neck. His sharp claws and fangs added to his formidable appearance, complemented by a tail of black scales, a testament to his quirk, Black Dragon. With an almost hypnotic gaze and a broad smile, Daichi approached the test with confidence. Opting for the standing long jump, he effortlessly cleared the required distance with the assistance of his wings, landing with exuberant jubilation, his infectious joy spreading throughout the class.

Following Daichi was Kaito Karetsuin, a slender figure with pale skin, long black hair, and piercing red eyes. Despite his stoic demeanor, a sense of urgency lingered as he swiftly made his way to the test. Choosing the same trial, Kaito cracked his fingers in preparation, a telltale sign of his inner turmoil. Suddenly, he extended the bones of his right leg, using them as makeshift stilts to propel himself to astonishing heights, a feat made possible by his quirk, Extendabones, earning him a passing grade amid the collective gasps of his classmates.

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