[Season 5] Ep. 3 - Encounters

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As the evening's mildness began to make itself feel, a slight shiver ran through my body. However, I didn't feel so cold... Ryouji, shouting after looking at his watch, took me out of my thoughts.

- "Drat! I completely lost track of time! The reception's about to kick off, and we're nowhere near ready!"

- "A reception? What are you on about, Ryouji?" I inquired.

- "The prelude to my father's exhibition, Ken!" Ryouji exclaimed, frantically digging through his bag before producing a map of the island. "Look, we're here, and the exhibition's at the Central Tower. The visitor hotels are here. Race to your rooms, change into your finest, and let's rendezvous at the Tower entrance, alright?"

- "But what about attire? I only packed casual clothes and my hero costume," Ema interjected.

- "Fear not, Ema! HeroClothes has us covered, delivering bespoke evening wear straight to our rooms," Mari reassured, casting a subtle glance in Kenichi's direction. "However, we didn't anticipate your presence, so I'm afraid I have nothing for you," she added, addressing Masako and Kenichi.

- "Fret not, dear Kenshin and Katsuro! ProSuits is ever prepared for every occasion. Accompany me to my chambers, and you shall be adorned in splendid bespoke suits in a flash, courtesy of my family's esteemed technology!" Kenichi proclaimed, exuding an air of refined confidence, as if to outshine Mari.

- "And what about Masako and her companions?" I inquired.

- "Worry not, young Ken! I never venture forth without proper attire for such occasions. As for Masako, I'm certain our gracious Chichi has a splendid dress to lend her, don't you?" Joichi assured.

At the mention of fashion, the typically reserved Chichi underwent a remarkable transformation.

- "Oh, absolutely! Follow me, Masako. I've brought along a delightful assortment of dresses in various styles and hues. We simply must find one that complements your horns, as well as your azure eyes and hair. Let's go!"

Before Masako could even begin to respond, Chichi seized her arm and whisked her away toward the hotel at breakneck speed, her excitement radiating in beams of light.

- "Come on, what are you waiting for? Follow her lead! We'll be late if you don't hurry! And don't hesitate to use your quirk to speed up. Remember, it's allowed on I-Island!" Joichi urged.

Ema grinned confidently, adopting a feline stance as if poised at the starting line.

- "No need to tell us twice. U.A. students, what's our motto?!"

- "BEYOND LIMITS! PLUS ULTRA!" we all chorused in unison, dashing forward, each with our unique quirks propelling us.

Zooming into my hotel room like a bolt of lightning, I barely paused to catch my breath before diving onto the suitcase emblazoned with the HeroClothes company logo.

Dressed in sleek black suit pants accented by a purple belt featuring a golden Gemini star buckle, I slipped into my white shoes with black soles, lacing them up with vibrant purple strands. I fastened my white shirt, then donned my burgundy and blue waistcoat. After a moment of struggling, I managed to knot my purple tie beneath the shirt's collar before dashing out of my room.

 After a moment of struggling, I managed to knot my purple tie beneath the shirt's collar before dashing out of my room

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