Chapter 2

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     Maryam stared longingly at the other girls who were all over each other laughing at their jokes. She wondered why they all seemed to get along, where as none of them wanted to be associated with her. Infact, even the class room losers did not want her part of their group. They made it very clear she stay away, the day she attempted to talk to them. She placed her head on her table as tears cascaded down her cheeks. Had she known going to the same school as the other children meant she gets tormented, she would have happily stayed in her old school. She remembered how Mama eyed her with so much disdain when Baba broke the news of her joining his children in their school. So far, being alone had subjected her studying. It seemed to be the only thing she does this days.

     Suddenly, she heard a tap on her table. Maryam looked up slowly to find Islam smiling at her. Islam is the only friend she had managed to string along. But, she was really in need of her gender's company.

     "Why weren't you at the cafeteria today?" He asked dropping his apple in front of her. Maryam sighed softly. Her meal ticket had suddenly disappeared from her bag. It's no doubt that Noorie hid it to punish her for passing all her tests in flying colors. Ofcourse her mother had glanced at the papers, then dropped it aside without a word.

     "I dropped my ticket. But I have eaten so I'll be alright" she replied passing the apple back to him. He pushed it back to her and excused himself. He ransacked his bag and brought out a lunch box. She scrunched her face in confusion. If his mother makes food for him, why did he own a meal ticket too?

     "I brought cake for you. It was my birthday yesterday. I want you to have it"
Maryam could not believe her ears. They were still at the beginning of their friendship because both of them knew nothing about each other's birthdays. Yesterday was a Sunday and had she known it was his birthday she wouldn't have been able to wish him in anyway because she doesn't own a phone. Maryam cooed at the flavorful looking cake. She licked her lips absentmindedly and quickly picked a slice. She ate it all in seconds as he stood in front of her watching her with so much glee. He remembered how he kept explaining he needed Maryam's share.

     "Who is this Maryam?" His mother had asked as she did his bidding.

     "My new friend. She's very nice unlike the others and she is obviously smart" he praised. His brother wore a bored expression as he listened to him go on and on about Maryam.

     "Is she as fat as you?" His brother insulted earning a glare from his mother.

     "He is not fat. You were bigger than him at this age" their mother defended making Islam snort. Now it was his brothers turn glare at him. When Islam made funny faces at his brother, his brother chased him and they ran in circles laughing loudly.

     Islam watched Maryam lick the icing off the plate with a satisfying grin. She did not care at all if Mama sends her on all the errands in the world today, this cake will be the appeaser.
     "Thank God you dropped your meal ticket today" he said collecting his lunch box which Maryam has finished contaminating with her saliva. She nodded happily and just like that the Bell was rung for the continuation of lessons. When Maryam got home that day, she worked in glee, nothing anyone said got to her. Infact she was so happy she's made a friend and nothing was going to stand in front of her happiness.
The next day, both Islam and Maryam found an excluded area to eat their lunch. They had aced a classwork as usual and had praises being thrown their way by the teacher. A free meal from the cafeteria had been their reward even though they did not need it. Well Maryam did, because the incessant complaints about lateness had been the sole reason she hadn't eaten breakfast before leaving home today. During the last minutes before the closing, Islam had fallen ill. He had started throwing up in the class and was rushed out. Maryam had been so concerned about him, she hadn't heard a word her teacher said after Islam was rushed out.
     The moment the bell rang, Maryam yanked her bag and ran as fast as her legs could carry her to the clinic. On getting there, the receptionist was not on seat. Maryam stared at the clock knowing Baba Musa would be here any minute. But she was willing to risk the beatings as long as she gets to find out how Islam is faring. The moment the receptionist came back Maryam ran to her. She greeted her hastily and stated her emergency.
     "I am sorry little girl, but his family left with him before you came in here. The little chubby boy from the junior classes right?" Maryam nodded profusely. "His family took him home. I could give you their number so you can call to know if he is fine" she offered seeing how miserable Maryam looked. Maryam shook her head indicating she didn't want to collect it. She knew he would come to school tomorrow. It was just an upset stomach or a stomach flu. He will come back tomorrow. She ran out of the clinic and headed straight to the parking lot. Maryam being unlucky was welcomed by her siblings hostile shouts. 
     "Where the hell were you?" Ya Tahir bellowed making Maryam cower in fear, Ya Tahir was the type that uses his hands to send a message. She scurried towards the car scared he might slap her senseless.
     "Answer me this minute or God help me, I will beat you so much you will not be able to walk for days" He warned taking giant steps towards her. She made attempt to enter the car but he yanked her back and flung her on the floor. Baba Musa called out his name disapprovingly but Ya Tahir was so angry to care.
     "Leave this girl alone. She must have had a good reason and aren't I just coming! Stop this behavior right now" he called out from his seat. Baba Musa did not want to involve himself in the children's fight, because the last time he had attempted to rescue Maryam from the clutches of Tanzeel, their mother had threatened to send him away.
     "I went to the clinic" Maryam muttered shaking really bad. Some of the students stood around watching Tahir show how ruthless he could be.
     "For whatever stupid reason. Are you lying to me? Are you lying Maryam?" He bellowed starting to loose his belt. Maryam quickly covered her face, knowing what would come next. She crouched down trying to hide places where her vital organs were situated. Unless if Allah sends someone her way, she knows she's done for.
     "Her friend fell sick. She went to check on him" Noorie called out from inside the car. "Ya Tahir let's go. People are watching. They will report this to Baba" Ya Tanzeel called out this time. Only then did Tahir look up to see some parents starting to come towards the commotion. He snapped his fingers and asked her to get into the car. Maryam scurried into the car thanking God for saving her. The thing about Ya Tahir is, he stops being angry the very moment he leaves a spot. On their way back home, they all became chirpy, forgetting Maryam who had bruised her leg when she was flung to the ground. The day took a rather sad turn and quite a stress-free day for Maryam when they got back home. The chatter had died down the moment they saw their gates were wide open with people still coming in. Ya Tahir sat up abruptly and started asking the others if they knew what was wrong. Ofcourse they had no clue. They all carried their bags as they came down dread at the pit of their stomachs.
     Maryam saw her mother in the living room looking sombre and had let out a breath of relief. But Mama was nowhere to be seen, the children were already scattered around the living room to find their mother. The search wasn't for long because they heard her let out an agonizing shout. Maryam could not move a muscle. She recognized the grief in Mama's cries, this was how she sounded when Mama would palm her back, or when her older ones would beat her up. She was never crying for the pain, but for the hurt that her family had turned on her. Maryam shook when she heard voices trying to calm Mama down. Something terrible must have happened she thought as she found the handle of the gigantic sofa and sat on it.
     "Come here" her mother whisper yelled making Maryam slowly make her way to her mother. Her siblings had sneaked off into their mother's part. "Abba is dead. Go into my part and eat your food. Don't come out okay" Her mother added softly. Maryam snuck away with Mama's cries resonating her ears. She dished the food and they chewed silently. Maryam knew Abba, he is the only Matazu who barely knew her existence because he was always smoking one thing or the other. She could vaguely remember Baba's shouts and threats thrown to Abba who was never able to stand straight. His brother and sister were already in universities then, but Abba had found solace in doing drugs.
     When Mama noticed Abba was being a headache, she begged for him to be taken to a rehab, which they did. Only for Abba to escape and start roaming around the city of Abuja like a mad man. When Baba found out, he made it clear that he wasn't going to do anything for Abba if Abba would not help himself. Mama tied Abba in a room in her own part until he became sober. She spoke to him and decided to be his own therapist. Abba would scream a lot like a mad man to be let out, but Mama would refuse. It took a whole six month to get Abba well again. Everyone wondered why Mama decided that Abba was sensible enough to be sent out of the country to study. When he started, he was doing good. He came home once during holidays and brought gifts for everyone. The next year he was supposed to come back home, he didn't. Maryam could remember how Mama kept making phone calls rambling about why he had decided to stay back. She remembered how Mama would keep telling over the phone warning him not to dare her. He did dare her though, he stopped going to his classes, abandoned his school totally and ofcourse ventured into smoking and drinking hard substances. He threw away his future and refused to come back home. He kept getting arrested for different crimes over there. Alhaji Matazu made it clear he doesn't want to have anything to do with Abba, leaving Mama to all the headache. On that faithful day, Abba had injected himself with a substance he had no idea he was allergic to. He had started reacting to it, and his irresponsible friends were scared they'd get arrested for possession of illicit drugs. They left him to his fate. He choked, shook and cried but there was no help coming. Abba had died miserably without his parents.
     They spent a week home mourning the death of Abba. That week had been Maryam's best week. Everyone was too gloomy to eat, or to even cause trouble. Ya Tahir and Ya Tanzeel stayed with their mother wise eyes were blood shot from all the crying. She couldn't speak properly for days and kept lamenting about how her husband had deprived her from burying her son. Apparently, Alhaji Matazu had given permission for the burial of Abba there. He explained that there was no need to put his dead body through the stress of traveling such a far distance. Mama on the other hand was not too pleased with the idea. The other children watched animations and they didn't cause trouble. For a moment Maryam wished her family is like that, Maryam wished everyday would be like these dark days for them because in the time of grieving, they did not see Maryam at all. Maryam's mother on the other hand would sprawl on the sofa all day watching soap operas. She wasn't going to lie that Abba's death or Mama's dilemma affected her at all. Mama had been nothing but a terrorizing person towards Maryam's mother. It would be absurd that she sits by her co-wife all day trying to console her for the death of her son when it is obvious the woman hated her so much. The maids too whispered amongst themselves on how quiet and peaceful the house is. Just like Maryam, they all loved the grieving phase of Matazu's household.
On the beautiful Monday they were to resume classes, they all are together including Maryam. Everyone picked up their bags and headed to the car. There wasn't a lot of chatter in the car as before. Ya Tahir actually carried his own bag to his class without bothering Maryam.  Maryam skipped to her class happily. She was so excited that she was going to see Islam today. She had already planned her apology in her head. She dropped her bag and happily sat on her chair, with every footsteps she hears approaching the class she would sit up beaming at the door expectantly. When the bell for the beginning of classes rang through the whole school, Maryam was sure Islam wasn't going to school. She wondered what would have happened to him. She wondered if he was fairing well. She made up her mind to go to the clinic and demand a call be made to their family. Maryam got absolutely nothing in class. Infact, she counted the minutes before lunch break.
      The moment the bell rang, Maryam skipped to the clinic with so much zeal, she didn't miss how the whole class had circled Noorie and Zarah to definitely give their condolences about Ya Abba's death. None bothered to come her way, because she's not a Matazu and would definitely not be affected by the death as much as the other two. That did not matter though, she wasn't affected at all instead, she's elated because she's gone a week with no beatings or insults. When she got to the clinic, she greeted the receptionist who beamed at her. Turns out the receptionist is quite good with faces.
     "You're the one who came for the chubby boy's number right?" The receptionist joked placing her hands on the tab. Maryam nodded enthusiastically. She didn't notice the expression of the receptionist had turn a bit glum. "I am sorry little one, it turns out they did not leave any number. Isn't he in class now?" She asked with concern seeing Maryam's face had gone pale. Maryam nodded again. "Well that's not good, I am sorry sweetie. You'll have to wait for him to resume school. He has a brother though, but I do not know what class he's from" she added the little information she had.
     With a broken heart, Maryam went back to class disappointed. She really wanted to know how he is. She had planned on stealing her mother's phone. It's not like her mother would ever leave the TV. It would have been so easy to get away with. She plopped down the chair depressingly, when a classmate of hers came into the class.
     "Maryam I've been looking everywhere for you" the girl exclaimed exasperatedly. She glared at Maryam disapprovingly before dipping her hand in to her pocket. She brought out a piece of paper before slamming it on her desk. "Islam asked me to deliver this note to you. He came on Monday but was too sick to stay so his mother came and picked him up. I am not supposed to be seen with you because I don't want Noorie to excommunicate me" she said running out of the class.
Maryam quickly opened the note with shaky hands. It read:

Sorry you didn't get to see me again one last time before I leave, I am sorry about your brother. I hope Allah forgives him. My sickness has gotten worse, so I can't stay here anymore. Mommy said my chances of coming back here are slim. Thank you for being my friend. I hope we get to meet again.


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