Chapter 39

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Ikram shifted uncomfortably, trying to look away from the prying eyes, but it wasn't possible because more than a dozen pairs of eyes stared at her.

A few nights ago had been the same with Janan and Islam staring at her. Now the whole Matazu's family were doing the same. Some had frowns etched in their faces, signifying they don't believe she's not Noorie. The certain Noorie girl who has definitely been the reason for so many heartbreaks obviously.

"Haven't they confirmed it yet?" Ya Shahid asked impatiently. After a revelation came yesterday that a carbon copy of Noorie had been discovered, and would be introduced to the family. Most of them wondered if Noorie wasn't infact playing one of her crazy games. She seemed to top her act every single time. After successfully capsizing a moving van, none of them could trust her again. The distrust only grew larger when they heard she had gone to Maryam, her worst enemy. It's absurd that she went there to find solace. Was she hoping to capture their heart with that? It did not work, it had only confirmed how unstable she is.

"It's weird she's this calm" Tanzeel whispered enough for Ikram and her father to hear.

"For the love of God, she's not Noorie" Zarah had stated loudly making the whole living room erupt in disagreement. Maryam sighed tiredly, watching her mother who hasn't said a word to anyone. She kept staring into space occasionally shaking her legs. She looked exhausted.

When Maryam and Ikram had been introduced, both of them squealed with a smile. She could tell Ikram apart from Noorie. Unlike Noorie, Ikram doesn't have that crazy glint in her eyes.

"It's her" they had both said in unison, making Iman stiffen. He remembered how Maryam had gotten angry at him for requesting she stops talking about Noorie's lookalike. They watched as both girls relayed the same story in different point of view.

"I told you she existed. You did not believe me" Maryam lamented cocking a brow at Iman. He looked away shyly but dazed. How could anyone look like someone unless if they're related. It's obvious they're twins, the resemblance is uncanny.

"We have to tell them. Knowing you exist might help Noorie recover" Maryam stated quickly, making Iman scoff. She glared at him and he raised his hands in surrender. Hence the visit to the Matazu's family.

Alhaji Matazu glared at his phone waiting for it to ring. He had informed the hospital thirty minutes ago that he would need a proof of life of Noorie. They've not called back yet. If at all it was Noorie sitting on his sofa pretending to be someone else, then he is going to probably disown her.

The phone started ringing as if sensing Alhaji Matazu's ticking angry bomb.

"Hello sir" the caller had said, and Alhaji Matazu replied grumpily, waiting for his suspicions to be confirmed so he could beat the living daylights out of Noorie. "We were informed that you're requesting a video call with the patient you had brought in few days ago," the man paused waiting for Alhaji Matazu's reply.

"Yes" he replied rather bored.

"Noorie Matazu right?"


"If you would hold on a minute, let me connect you to her room"

Alhaji Matazu started tapping his feet patiently, waiting for them to realize that the patient they were about to connect him to had ran away. It did not matter that Ikram had sat down and had explained that her father and her mother were separated and that her mother was living in porthacourt and that she just arrived Abuja days ago. It all felt like a calculated lie. The man with her was going to receive the worst punishment for following her here to spew such nonsense.

"What do you guys want?" Noorie's very angry face appeared on his screen. "I've told you times without number to leave me alone. I don't want to talk to you, why won't you let me have peace in this confined place" she had added glaring at Alhaji Matazu.

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