Chapter 13

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He stared at her sleeping frame and his mouth had immediately became dry. His heart was thumping wildly, and he literally had to place his hands on his chest to feel if at all he was dreaming. Iman had never ever felt such an intense emotion because of anybody. Sure, he's had a girlfriend but when she dumped him, he had no need for a woman because his course is a woman in disguise. It gave him all the pleasure he needed at the time.

Her name is Maryam.

He inhaled deeply, hoping his heart would stop this crazy thumping but it only intensifies when he looks at her. She had a bandage round her head, and her braided hair was loose from the middle. It's obvious she had fell. She was lying on her side, she is slightly light skinned, her lips were fully pouted making him swallow. Was he going crazy? How on earth is a girl who he could not see making him feel really uncomfortable. He could remember when Bash had told him, if he feels that way towards a girl, then that person is the love of your life.

He had called Bash a fool and had knocked him on the head. If Bash is saying the truth then this is the weirdest thing ever.

     "Iman" he heard his name being called from a distance. He was already lost in these sudden overwhelming emotions. When a hand grabbed his shoulder, Iman jerked up. He looked up to see the girl's father with an evident frown giving him the daggers. He felt heat crawling up from his neck to his cheeks. It was so embarrassing. The CMD would add pervert to the list of things he hated about Iman and this was just a few minutes into their meeting. He would probably have a whole notebook filled up before the day runs out. He shifted his eyes from her, with a little difficulty.

     "This is Muhammad Iman, Junaid's son, the mighty doctor. He came in today and I am showing him around." The CMD explained in a bored tone. He really doesn't like Iman and he's really not making effort to hide his dislike in front of this man. Iman cleared his throat awkwardly, he refused to give his hands for a handshake, scared the man might turn out to be as mean as the CMD. So, he bowed a little and offered his greetings to the man who wasn't even frowning anymore. He answered Iman's greeting and turned his attention back to the CMD. They kept chatting about how one of his wives is being extremely disrespectful and apparently had shoved her co-wife who is obviously older from the husband's description. Iman knew he should not be listening to their discussion so, he retreated to the door. As he twisted the door knob for his great escape, the CMD caught him and cleared his throat noisily.

     "I have not dismissed you yet, Muhammad" his eyes turning into slits. Iman swallowed hard and nodded. The other man chuckled a bit at how alarmed Iman looked.

     "Let him be Faruku. He's just being modest, he wanted to give us space" the other man had explained but the CMD wasn't having any of it. He nodded in approval of Iman's little escape and Iman bolted out of the room. He came face to face with Bash who was obviously eaves dropping. He dragged his friend away from the door grumbling profanities. They sat on a bench steps away from the door.

     "He hates me. I am staying back in London" Iman stated making Bash cringe. The truth is Bash knows exactly everything going on in Iman's life. It would be heart wrenching for all of them if he decides to stay there. He needed to heal. No matter how far he runs from his problems, he would definitely have to deal with it some day.

     "Aren't you supposed to make the guy see why your father chose you to be his successor? You could change anybody's mind about you in a snaap of your fingers" Bash advised making Iman nod, but he shook his head and didn't say a word. They both sat in utter silence, until the CMD exited the room. Iman stood up from the bench and followed him with Bash from a respectable distance. Their your ended back in the CMD's office. He sat down and cocked a brow when Iman stood in front of his desk.

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