Chapter 21

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Iman glared at his phone as it rings. He was driving for crying out loud, he knew who was calling. He took a right turn, and then parked the car because the phone would not stop ringing. As he was reaching for the phone, the call ended. He picked it up and unlocked it with the sole purpose of calling his mother back but, it started ringing again. He picked and placed it on his ear.

"Muhammad Iman, I swear to Almighty God if you don't get down here right now I will deal with you" came her raspy voice, effect from yelling since morning.

"Mom, you called me few minutes ago. I haven't even gotten to the mall where you asked me to buy fruits and drinks. Please stop with the calls, unless you want to distract me while I drive" he stated calmly. She ended the call without a word. Iman sighed softly and turned on the ignition.

She's been calling nonstop, persuading and even threatening him to come home for his special visitors. When she had broken the news about an Alhaji Matazu coming with his daughter who had vanished the day he went for introduction, he felt like dying instantly. Coupled with the failed attempts to locate Maryam, he was really getting frustrated. He had even attempted to get her records from the hospital, but that ethical staff had refused him access since he was neither her personal doctor or family doctor.

He had created an excuse about being so busy to his mother but, she assured him that his father had helped him clear his schedule for the rest of the day. As if the day wasn't annoying enough, his mother kept calling and yelling demanding he be at home to welcome the guests.

The term 'guests' leaves a bitter taste in his mouth. He swerved left after indicating where he was headed with the trafficator. He got out of the car, secured it and then marched into the mall after securing his car.

He clicked on the messaging app to see the items his mother had demanded for. First was a bottle of red wine. She had written the specific product she wanted so he did the needful. Iman hissed softly when he realized he would be needing a trolley to pack up these variety of fruits and drinks. As he turned, he collided with a girl.

The little shopping basket she held fell and everything she had gotten scattered around the floor. He groaned frustratingly and started helping the girl pick up her things. She was already mumbling complaints, so he started apologizing before she starts insulting him. Anger is like a volcano, it does erupt with warning and signs.

After helping her stuff her properties back in the basket, he picked it up and handed it to her still apologizing. When he looked up, he noticed the girl's angry expression slowly getting replaced by a smitten one.

Iman smiled nervously seeing how the girl's reaction had been replaced instantly on seeing his face, he knew what that sneaky smile means. It's another way of saying "O my God, you're totally fine and I like what I see"

He's come across the likes of her, it's frustrating but he has to be nice, niceness pays. It gets him out of situations smoothly.

"Sorry I bumped into you" he had apologized, looking around for an exit to this conversation because the girl was becoming more comfortable by the second. She's fair and she had on a red lipstick, and pretty long lashes. He  just stared at her combo, she looked like someone who was either going for a wedding or just left one. The word to use to assess her is Loud.

"It's my fault, I should have watched where I was going" she downplayed with glee, then she moved closer to him blushing profusely. One would think there was something going on here. He took a guarded step back.

"I should get going" he stated

"Yeah, I am Noorie. Can I get your contact? You seem like a nice person and it would be cool to have a friend like you" she stated blatantly, making him go rigid with shock. Yes, he's met a lot of girls with the googly eyes and seductive smiles, but none had been bold enough to ask of his number.

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