Chapter 5

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Khalid stood transfixed. He couldn't move because of the fear that had gripped him. Aunty Jummai on the other hand looked amused. Khalid didn't mean to be caught bad mouthing Aunty Jummai. Now, she'll go with his soul, he thought dramatically.

     "Don't you know how to greet?" Aunty Jummai asked looking from Maryam to Khalid. Maryam smiled at her aunty before squatting to greet her. Khalid well, he was still frozen on the spot making Maryam worry about his mental health. Aunty Jummai stretched her hand, and Maryam reluctantly stretched hers to hold her Aunt. Only then did Khalid get back to his senses. He held Maryam's second hand trying to drag her away from the woman who seemed to find the situation funny. Maryam eyed Khalid before yanking her hands from his grip, eyeing him wearily. He was really being dramatic about this whole thing. Besides, even if their aunt is really a Mayya as speculated, wouldn't it be a little weird that she decides to take her relatives souls. It's absurd.

      "If you don't leave, I will call Grandma right away" Khalid stated earning a glare from their aunt.

     "If you tell your Grandma then I'll take your soul young boy" She countered making him cower. Khalid swallowed hard, before gripping his torch light harder.

     "Hajarah, stop scaring that child and come with me, will you?" Grandpa stated grumpily much to Khalid's relief. Maryam chuckled a little. Khalid look as if he was constipating. Aunty Jummai smiled at Maryam before walking away. Whatever it was Grandpa and Aunty Jummai had for business was non of their concern. They stayed outside for a while, Khalid waited until Aunty Jummai had left before he went in with Maryam with the thought of how they would tour the whole of Zaria tomorrow.

The adhaan for subi prayer resonated the whole building. Maryam stretched on her bed as she yawns. She sat up, stating in space for some seconds before sliding off the bed. Apparently, her Grandma was already wife awake. When Maryam remembered the events of last night, a smile crept up her face. She remembered how Khalid was on the verge of pissing his pants because of Aunty Jummai. She would tease him today, make so much fun of him he would want to strangle her.
She dragged her feet to the tap, after picking up her Grandma's kettle. She filled it up, performed ablution and then went to her Grandma's room to pray. After the last Salam, she heard her Grandma come inside. She prayed for herself, and for her family before standing up from her sitting position. She squatted down to greet her Grandma.

     "How are you, my darling?" her Grandma asked patting the space on the long sofa to come sit on. Maryam answered before going to her grandmother. She sat close to the woman slowly. Her Grandmother must have exhausted all her words of advise to Maryam, or she just wanted some quiet time with her because she didn't say a word and Maryam did not ask any questions.

At the break of dawn, a knock was heard from the gate. Someone was busy shouting "Assalamu Alaikum" at the top of their voice. Maryam was washing the beans for the bean cake her grandmother wanted to make. She had rinsed her hands wanting to go open the gate, when her grandfather stopped her. He headed there while Maryam continued her work.

     "Maryama" her Grandfather called, she had been so engrossed she hadn't heard. He called again, before her attention went to him. "Go and call your Grandma please"
Maryam rinsed her hands, then ran to her Grandmother's room, the older woman was listening to the news on her small radio. She relayed her message, and her grandmother nodded following her out. She resumed washing the beans, while her grandparents went back to the gate. A few minutes later, they emerged with solemn faces.

     "Maryam" her grandmother called. Maryam's brows furrowed in annoyance. At this rate they won't be eating any bean cake before 10am. She dragged her feet to her grandparents, ignoring their sad faces.

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