Chapter 19

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Maryam's mother held her cheeks, stream of tears cascaded down her cheeks. She could not believe she had been slapped by her father, and all because of Maryam.

"Baba, you slapped me!" She shrieked.

"And I will slap you again Ummi. How can you pray for the death of your own child. What is wrong with you?"

"I don't care! I don't care! A simple instruction I gave to her and she disobeyed me even after I explained how it was for her own good" she yelled louder. Her father's brows were furrowed because he still could not understand or believe his daughter was being extremely senseless.

"If you were in her shoes, would you not have done the same thing?" Her mother countered and Maryam's mother laughed, really loudly. She looked crazy but that was the least of her problems at the time.

"I did not do the same! I did not do the same. I stayed back, and watched you sell me to your friend. I did not utter a word of disapproval but did as you instructed. You both bundled me up and shipped me off to Alhaji's house a week after I lost my husband. A week after I lost the love of my life, a week after I lost the essence of my life! You did not even give me time to mourn him......" She hiccupped and burst into wails, heart wrenching cries left her mouth making her parents go weak.

"You did not say anything when we asked you Ummi....."

"Mama my husband died! My Adam died! I lost him and you expected an answer from me in that condition. I had just spoken to him and in a minute he called back. I picked up the call happily, only for a stranger to tell me he is gone! How on Earth did you expect me to answer you when you offered your best friend's son?" She yelled angrily and loudly knocking off the head tie on her head. Her knees have out and she slid down to the floor crying loudly.

"Why did you not give either of my sisters? They were not married, why did you subject me to a life of pain and anguish?" She asked wiping the unstoppable tears.

"I obeyed you, I did not even argue but both of you should have let me be. Why would anyone at all even marry their child out after giving birth? I hated my life, I hated everything. And then Maryam came along, reminding of what a failure I am, reminding me of how useless I was and how alone I was. It was horrifying! Just because I've never ever said a word never meant I was happy with what both of you did to me. I respected you enough to do what you asked of me....." She squeaked and hiccupped stopping her from continuing her sentence.

"But, you should have said No, we just thought if you have a life of luxury it would help you heal" her mother countered making Maryam's mother shake her head quickly.

"You're grown and sensible enough to anguish that comes with death, but both of you would never know because you have not lost either of yourselves yet. It is like one has been stripped naked in a market, it is like one's heart have been ripped from their body, it is like God hates you and decided to punish you..... Yet you took me to that woman and that man. I had to wake up early in the morning even after I obviously have birth to cook food for their battalions! His wife stopped the maids from helping me, I had to do everything as a punishment for coming into her own home" Maryam's mother sniffed and inhaled deeply.

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